Voice Command Examples: Using Google Assistant for Todoist Tasks

Are you looking for ways to streamline your task management process? By utilizing Google Assistant for Todoist tasks, you can easily create, organize, and complete your to-dos with just your voice. Below are some voice command examples that can help you maximize the productivity of this integration.

#1 Adding tasks:

“Hey Google, ask Todoist to add a task ‘Finish the report by Friday'”
“Hey Google, tell Todoist to create a task ‘Buy groceries'”
“Okay Google, add a task ‘Call mom’ to Todoist”

#2 Setting due dates:

“Hey Google, ask Todoist to set a due date for ‘Submit project proposal’ on Tuesday”
“Hey Google, tell Todoist to schedule ‘Dentist appointment’ for next Monday”
“Okay Google, set a deadline for ‘Pay bills’ in Todoist for the 25th”

#3 Marking tasks complete:

“Hey Google, ask Todoist to mark ‘Read chapter 3’ as done”
“Hey Google, tell Todoist to complete the task ‘Send emails'”
“Okay Google, finish the task ‘Workout for 30 minutes’ in Todoist”

#4 Organizing tasks:

“Hey Google, ask Todoist to move ‘Meeting with client’ to the Work category”
“Hey Google, tell Todoist to prioritize ‘Finish presentation’ as high importance”
“Okay Google, move the task ‘Update website content’ to the Personal Projects section in Todoist”

#5 Getting task reminders:

“Hey Google, ask Todoist what tasks are due today”
“Hey Google, tell Todoist to remind me about ‘Attend team meeting'”
“Okay Google, check for any upcoming deadlines in Todoist”

By utilizing these voice command examples, you can seamlessly integrate Google Assistant with Todoist to efficiently manage your tasks and boost your productivity. Try them out and experience the convenience of hands-free task management today.