Mastering French Voice Commands with Google Assistant

If you’re looking to improve your French language skills, Google Assistant is here to help you master French voice commands. With Google Assistant, you can easily learn how to order food, book a table or hotel, find local landmarks and tourist spots, and much more – all in the French language. Below are some helpful French voice command examples that will help improve your proficiency and fluency in the language.

#1 General Commands

“Bonjour, comment allez-vous?” – This translates to “Hello, how are you?”

“Quel temps fait-il aujourd’hui?” – This translates to “What is the weather like today?”

“Quelle est la date d’aujourd’hui?” – This means “What is the date today?”

“Quelle heure est-il?” – This means “What time is it?”

“Comment ça va?” – This means “How are you doing?”

#2 Time and Alarm Commands

“Réglez une alarme pour 7 heures du matin” – This translates to “Set an alarm for 7 o’clock in the morning.”

“Quel jour est mon rendez-vous?” – This means “On what day is my appointment?”

“Réglez un compte à rebours de 10 minutes” – This means “Set a countdown for 10 minutes.”

“Quelle heure est-il à Paris?” – This means “What time is it in Paris?”

“Quel jour sommes-nous?” – This means “What day is it today?”

#3 Navigation Commands

“Donnez-moi des directions pour aller à la Tour Eiffel” – This means “Give me directions to the Eiffel Tower.”

“Où se trouve la station de métro la plus proche?” – This translates to “Where is the nearest subway station?”

“Donnez-moi des directions pour aller à l’aéroport” – This means “Give me directions to the airport.”

“Où est la gare SNCF?” – This means “Where is the SNCF station?”

“Montrez-moi un itinéraire pour aller au Louvre” – This means “Show me a route to the Louvre.”

#4 Restaurant and Food Commands

“Je voudrais réserver une table pour deux personnes” – This means “I would like to reserve a table for two people.”

“Où puis-je trouver la meilleure boulangerie de la ville?” – This means “Where can I find the best bakery in town?”

“Je voudrais commander une pizza” – This translates to “I would like to order a pizza.”

“Quel est le spécial du jour?” – This means “What is the special of the day?”

“Qu’est-ce que vous recommandez?” – This means “What do you recommend?”

#5 Music and Entertainment Commands

“Diffusez ma chanson préférée” – This translates to “Play my favorite song.”

“Quels sont les films à l’affiche?” – This means “What movies are playing at the theater?”

“Qu’est-ce qui est diffusé à la télévision en ce moment?” – This means “What is on TV right now?”

“Quels sont les concerts à venir dans cette ville?” – This means “What concerts are coming up in this city?”

“Ouvrez Netflix” – This means “Open Netflix.”