Mastering Voice Commands for Spotify with Alexa

If you’re an Alexa and Spotify user, you can easily control your music with voice commands. That means less time fiddling with your phone and more time enjoying your tunes. Below are a few examples of voice commands you can use to master controlling Spotify with Alexa.

#1 Controlling Playback

“Play music”
“Pause music”
“Resume music”
“Skip this song”
“Fast forward 30 seconds”
“Rewind 15 seconds”

#2 Playing Specific Music

“Play ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ by Queen”
“Play ‘This Is America’ by Childish Gambino”
“Play top songs by The Beatles”
“Play a workout playlist”
“Play my Daily Mix 1”

#3 Controlling Volume

“Set volume to 50”
“Turn up the volume”
“Turn down the volume”

#4 Creating Playlists

“Create a new playlist”
“Add this song to my ‘Chill’ playlist”
“Add this album to my ‘Road Trip’ playlist”
“Remove this song from my playlist”

#5 Exploring Music Recommendations

“What’s new on Spotify?”
“Recommend me a playlist”
“Discover new music based on my listening habits”
“Play similar music to The Weeknd”
“Play music for a peaceful morning”