56 Alexa Commands for Ambient Sounds

Rain Sounds

“Alexa, ask ambient sounds to play rain sounds”

“Alexa, ask ambient sounds to open rain sounds”

“Alexa, ask ambient sounds to start rain sounds”

“Alexa, ask ambient sounds to play heavy rain sounds”

“Alexa, ask ambient sounds to open heavy rain sounds”

“Alexa, ask ambient sounds to start heavy rain sounds”

“Alexa, ask ambient sounds to play rain on a tent”

“Alexa, ask ambient sounds to play rain on a tin roof”

“Alexa, ask ambient sounds to play distant thunderstorms”

Water Sounds

“Alexa, ask ambient sounds to play fountain sounds”

“Alexa, ask ambient sounds to open fountain sounds”

“Alexa, ask ambient sounds to start fountain sounds”

“Alexa, ask ambient sounds to play japanese garden sounds”

“Alexa, ask ambient sounds to open japanese garden sounds”

“Alexa, ask ambient sounds to start japanese garden sounds”

“Alexa, ask ambient sounds to play dripping water”

“Alexa, ask ambient sounds to play waterfall sounds”

“Alexa, ask ambient sounds to open waterfall sounds”

“Alexa, ask ambient sounds to start waterfall sounds”

“Alexa, ask ambient sounds to play babbling brook”

“Alexa, ask ambient sounds to play ocean sounds”

“Alexa, ask ambient sounds to open ocean sounds”

“Alexa, ask ambient sounds to start ocean sounds”

Forest Sounds

“Alexa, ask ambient sounds to open forest night”

“Alexa, ask ambient sounds to open rainforest sounds”

“Alexa, ask ambient sounds to start rainforest sounds”

“Alexa, ask rainforest sounds to loop”

Wind Sounds

“Alexa, ask ambient sounds to open windy trees”

“Alexa, ask ambient sounds to open wind chimes”

“Alexa, ask ambient sounds to open windy meadow”

“Alexa, ask ambient sounds to open windy leaves”

Household Sounds

“Alexa, ask ambient sounds to open fireplace sounds”

“Alexa, ask ambient sounds to start fireplace sounds”

“Alexa, ask ambient sounds to play fireplace sounds”

“Alexa, ask ambient sounds to open shower sounds”

“Alexa, ask ambient sounds to start shower sounds”

“Alexa, ask ambient sounds to play shower sounds”

“Alexa, ask ambient sounds to open fan sounds”

“Alexa, ask ambient sounds to start fan sounds”

“Alexa, ask ambient sounds to play fan sounds”

“Alexa, ask ambient sounds to open oscillating fan sounds”

“Alexa, ask ambient sounds to start oscillating fan sounds”

“Alexa, ask ambient sounds to play oscillating fan sounds”

Colored Noise

“Alexa, ask ambient sounds to open white noise”

“Alexa, ask ambient sounds to open pink noise”

“Alexa, ask ambient sounds to open brown noise”

Unique Sounds

“Alexa, ask ambient sounds to open airplane sounds”

“Alexa, ask ambient sounds to start airplane sounds”

“Alexa, ask ambient sounds to play airplane sounds”

“Alexa, ask ambient sounds to open space deck”


“Alexa, open ambient sounds”

“Alexa, help me relax”

“Alexa, ask ambient sounds to play random”

“Alexa, ask ambient sounds for a list”

“Alexa, stop”

“Alexa, stop in {times}”. Example: “Alexa, stop in six hours