Mastering Siri voice commands for YouTube

If you are tired of scrolling through your YouTube feed or searching for the perfect video with your fingers, why not let Siri do the work for you? Mastering Siri voice commands for YouTube will not only save you time, but it will also make you feel like you have your own personal assistant. Below are some examples of voice commands you can use to navigate YouTube hands-free.

#1 Playing Videos

“Play the latest video from [youtube channel name]”
“Play video on YouTube”
“Play from [youtube channel name]”
“Play [song name] on YouTube”
“Play [sport game] highlights on YouTube”
“Play [movie trailer] on YouTube”


#2 Starting and Stopping Video Playback

“Play/Pause video”
“Resume video”
“Stop video”


#3 Controlling Volume

“Increase/Decrease the volume”
“Mute the volume”


#4 Navigating Videos

“Fast-Forward video”
“Rewind video”
“Skip [number] minutes/seconds forward”
“Go back [number] minutes/seconds”


#5 YouTube Search Queries

“Search for on YouTube”
“What’s the latest video about [topic] on YouTube?”
“Find [channel name] on YouTube”
“Show me the most popular video on YouTube today”
“What’s Trending on YouTube today?”


#6 Subscriptions

“Show me my subscriptions on YouTube”
“Subscribe to [channel name] on YouTube”
“Unsubscribe from [channel name] on YouTube”


#7 Playlist

“Show my playlists on YouTube”
“Play my playlist on YouTube”
“Add to my playlist”


#8 Chromecast Integration

“Play on my Chromecast”
“Pause Chromecast”
“Resume Chromecast”
“Increase/Decrease volume on Chromecast”


#9 Customizing Siri commands

“Customize my Siri commands for YouTube”
“Create a Siri shortcut for on YouTube”


#10 Information Inquiries

“What’s the YouTube channel of [celebrity name]?”
“What’s the bio of [youtuber name]?”
“When was [movie title] released?”
“Who directed [movie title]?”
“Who’s the lead actor in [TV show]?”
“Tell me the top 10 most-watched videos on YouTube”


These are just some of the many voice commands available to you when using Siri to navigate YouTube. By mastering these commands, you will have a more enjoyable and efficient YouTube experience.