Top Voice Command Examples: Why Siri Responds with ‘Just to Verify…’

Are you curious about why Siri sometimes responds with “Just to verify…” when you give it a command? Below are some voice command examples you can use to better understand how Siri responds to different types of requests. Whether you’re trying to schedule an appointment, set a reminder, or get directions, Siri can help you with a wide range of tasks. Keep reading to discover some top voice command examples and improve your interaction with Siri.

#1 Personal Assistant Commands

“Set a reminder for 5 PM.”
“Schedule a meeting for tomorrow at 10 AM.”
“Send a text to Mom.”
“Call John Smith.”
“Find tomorrow’s weather forecast.”

#2 Navigation Commands

“Give me directions to the nearest gas station.”
“What’s the best route to get to work?”
“Show me a map of New York City.”
“Navigate to the nearest coffee shop.”

#3 Entertainment Commands

“Play music by Adele.”
“Pause the music.”
“Skip to the next track.”
“What’s the latest movie in theaters?”
“Open Netflix app.”

#4 Information and Search Commands

“Who is the president of France?”
“How tall is the Eiffel Tower?”
“Define ‘sustainability’.”
“What’s the current stock price of Apple?”
“Find Italian restaurants near me.”

#5 Device Control Commands

“Increase brightness to 80%.”
“Turn off Bluetooth.”
“Take a screenshot.”
“Open the camera app.”
“Put my phone on silent mode.”

#6 Communication Commands

“Read my latest messages.”
“Compose an email to my boss.”
“Answer the call.”
“Create a new note.”
“Start a FaceTime call.”