Siri Podcast Commands: Speak Your Way to Streaming Success

Are you a podcast addict looking for a more convenient and hands-free listening experience? Siri Podcast Commands is the solution for you. With Siri, you can simply speak your way to streaming success. Below are some voice command examples you can use to control your podcast listening experience:

#1 Basic Playback Commands

“Play the latest episode of [podcast name]”
“Pause the podcast”
“Resume the podcast”
“Fast forward 30 seconds”
“Rewind 15 seconds”
“Skip this episode”

#2 Queue Management Commands

“Add this podcast to my queue”
“Add the latest episode to my queue”
“Clear my queue”
“Play my next queued episode”

#3 Navigation Commands

“Go to the next episode”
“Go back to the previous episode”
“Go to the beginning of the episode”
“Skip ahead 10 minutes”
“Rewind 2 minutes”

#4 Discovery and Recommendation Commands

“Search for [podcast name] on Apple Podcasts”
“Recommend a new podcast to me”
“Play a popular podcast in [genre]”

#5 Playback Speed Commands

“Increase podcast speed”
“Decrease podcast speed”
“Set podcast speed to 1.5x”
“Play at normal speed”

#6 Volume Control Commands

“Increase volume”
“Decrease volume”
“Mute the podcast”
“Unmute the podcast”
“Set volume to 50%”

With just a few verbal commands, you can easily control your podcast listening experience with Siri. Try them out and enhance your streaming success.