iPad Mini Voice Command Examples: Screenless Siri Tips

Are you looking for some helpful voice command examples to use with your iPad Mini’s Screenless Siri? Below are some tips that will make navigating your device easier with just your voice. Try out some of these commands and see how convenient it can be to control your iPad Mini hands-free.

#1 Basic Commands

“Hey Siri, open Safari.”
“Hey Siri, set an alarm for 7am.”
“Hey Siri, call Mom.”
“Hey Siri, send a text message to John.”
“Hey Siri, play my music.”

#2 Calendar and Reminders

“Hey Siri, schedule a meeting for tomorrow at 10am.”
“Hey Siri, remind me to pick up dry cleaning at 3pm.”
“Hey Siri, what’s on my calendar for today?”
“Hey Siri, create a new reminder list.”

#3 Navigation and Maps

“Hey Siri, give me directions to the nearest gas station.”
“Hey Siri, show me the traffic on my route home.”
“Hey Siri, what’s the weather like tomorrow?”
“Hey Siri, find a restaurant near me.”

#4 Productivity

“Hey Siri, create a new document in Pages.”
“Hey Siri, search for photos of cats in my Camera Roll.”
“Hey Siri, open my email app.”
“Hey Siri, set a timer for 20 minutes.”

#5 Social Media and Communication

“Hey Siri, post a status update to Facebook.”
“Hey Siri, tweet that I just finished a great book.”
“Hey Siri, send a Snapchat to my best friend.”
“Hey Siri, read my latest email.”

These voice command examples are just a few of the many ways you can use Siri to make your iPad Mini experience more efficient and hands-free. Try them out and discover how easy it is to navigate your device with just your voice.