Siri Voice Commands: A Comprehensive List of Examples

Welcome to “Siri voice commands: A Comprehensive List of Examples.” Are you tired of fumbling through your phone’s settings or searching for apps manually? Look no further! Below, you will find an extensive range of voice command examples that Siri can effortlessly execute, making your life easier and more efficient. From managing your schedule to controlling your smart home devices, Siri is your personal digital assistant at your beck and call. So sit back, relax, and let Siri take care of your commands, one voice prompt at a time.

#1 General Device Control

“Set an alarm for 7 AM.”
“Set a timer for 20 minutes.”
“Turn on airplane mode.”
“Open Calculator.”
“Enable Do Not Disturb.”
“Turn on/off Wi-Fi.”
“Open Camera.”
“Adjust screen brightness to maximum.”
“Play music.”
“Navigate to the nearest gas station.”

#2 Calendar and Reminders

“Schedule a meeting for tomorrow at 10 AM.”
“Remind me to buy groceries at 5 PM today.”
“What’s on my calendar for next week?”
“Set a reminder to call John at 2 PM.”
“Cancel my 2 PM appointment.”
“Create an event for my anniversary on October 15th.”
“Remind me to take medication every morning at 8 AM.”
“Move my dentist appointment to Friday at 2 PM.”

#3 Communication

“Call Mom.”
“Text John ‘I’ll be there in 10 minutes.'”
“Read my latest messages.”
“Send an email to Sarah with the subject ‘Meeting Notes.'”
“FaceTime Lisa.”

#4 Navigation

“Find a Thai restaurant nearby.”
“Give me directions to the nearest gas station.”
“Search for coffee shops in Seattle.”
“What’s the traffic like to work?”
“Navigate to 123 Main Street.”
“What’s my current location?”

#5 Entertainment

“Play ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ by Queen.”
“Find movies playing nearby.”
“Shuffle my workout playlist.”
“Who won the Best Actor Oscar in 2020?”
“What movies has Tom Hanks starred in?”
“Play the latest episode of ‘The Daily’ podcast.”

#6 Productivity

“Create a new note.”
“Set a reminder to submit the report by Friday.”
“What’s the weather forecast for tomorrow?”
“Define ‘serendipity’.”
“Translate ‘Thank you’ to French.”
“Set a timer for 30 minutes while I work.”
“Open Spotify and play my favorite playlist.”

#7 HomeKit and Smart Devices

“Turn on the lights in the living room.”
“Set the thermostat to 72 degrees.”
“Lock the front door.”
“Dim the lights to 50%.”
“Set up a scene for movie night.”
“Turn on the espresso machine.”
“Play my favorite song on the kitchen speakers.”

#8 Social Media

“Tweet ‘Just saw a breathtaking sunset.'”
“Post on Facebook ‘Had a great day hiking!'”
“Search Twitter for the latest news.”
“Update my LinkedIn status.”
“Send a Snapchat to Lisa saying ‘Happy Birthday!'”

#9 Health and Fitness

“Start a 30-minute outdoor run.”
“Track my steps for today.”
“How many calories are in a banana?”
“Pause my workout.”
“Add ‘drink more water’ to my Health app goals.”
“Open my meditation app.”
“What’s the heart rate of an average adult?”

These examples showcase just a glimpse of Siri’s capabilities. Explore the endless possibilities of voice commands, and let Siri assist you throughout your daily tasks, all with a simple voice prompt. Whether it’s managing your schedule, controlling your home, or seeking information, Siri is ready to make your life a little smoother.