Alexa Ring Command Examples for Echo and Echo Dot: Mastering Voice Control for Ring

Are you ready to take your Ring experience to the next level? With the power of voice control, you can now seamlessly manage your Ring devices using your Echo or Echo Dot. Below, you’ll find a variety of voice command examples that will help you master voice control for Ring. From arming and disarming your security system to checking the status of your doorbell, these commands will streamline your Ring experience and make home security more convenient than ever before.

Arming and Disarming

“Alexa, arm my Ring alarm.”
“Alexa, disarm my security system.”
“Alexa, set my Ring to home mode.”
“Alexa, activate away mode on my Ring.”
“Alexa, enable snooze mode for my Ring alarm.”

Checking Device Status

“Alexa, is my front door locked?”
“Alexa, what is the battery level on my Ring doorbell?”
“Alexa, show me the live view from my Ring camera.”
“Alexa, is my Ring floodlight on?”
“Alexa, what is the signal strength of my Ring devices?”

Controlling Lights and Sirens

“Alexa, turn on my Ring spotlight.”
“Alexa, turn off the siren on my Ring alarm.”
“Alexa, adjust the brightness of my Ring floodlight.”
“Alexa, activate the alarm on my Ring security system.”
“Alexa, flash the lights on my Ring doorbell.”

Ring Doorbell Interactions

“Alexa, speak to the person at my front door.”
“Alexa, answer the Ring doorbell.”
“Alexa, ignore the motion alert from my Ring doorbell.”
“Alexa, check the last activity on my Ring doorbell.”
“Alexa, lock the front door after a Ring notification.”

Customizing Settings

“Alexa, change the motion detection settings for my Ring camera.”
“Alexa, adjust the sensitivity of my Ring doorbell.”
“Alexa, set a custom chime tone for my Ring alarm.”
“Alexa, customize the motion zones for my Ring devices.”
“Alexa, schedule an automatic arm/disarm for my Ring security system.”

Emergency Response

“Alexa, call emergency services through my Ring.”
“Alexa, send an alert to my emergency contacts with Ring.”
“Alexa, activate the panic mode on my Ring security system.”
“Alexa, trigger the duress code on my Ring alarm.”
“Alexa, initiate the emergency response protocol with Ring.”