Voice Command Examples: Using Alexa to Play Music from Your Phone

Are you tired of manually searching for and playing music on your phone? With Alexa’s voice command capabilities, you can simply ask Alexa to play music from your phone without lifting a finger. Below are some voice command examples you can use to seamlessly control your phone’s music through Alexa.

Basic Music Commands

“Alexa, play some music from my phone.”
“Alexa, shuffle my music on my phone.”
“Alexa, pause the music from my phone.”
“Alexa, resume playing music from my phone.”
“Alexa, skip to the next song from my phone.”

Specific Song Requests

“Alexa, play ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ from my phone.”
“Alexa, play the song ‘Closer’ from my phone.”
“Alexa, play ‘Shape of You’ by Ed Sheeran from my phone.”
“Alexa, play the latest Justin Bieber song from my phone.”

Playlist and Album Commands

“Alexa, play my ‘Workout’ playlist from my phone.”
“Alexa, play the album ‘Thriller’ from my phone.”
“Alexa, play the latest release from my music library on my phone.”
“Alexa, play ‘Sunday Chill’ playlist from my phone.”

Volume Mastery

“Alexa, increase the volume of the music from my phone.”
“Alexa, decrease the volume of the music from my phone.”
“Alexa, set the volume to 50% for my music from my phone.”
“Alexa, mute the music from my phone.”

Control and Shuffle

“Alexa, shuffle my music on my phone.”
“Alexa, repeat this song from my phone.”
“Alexa, loop this playlist from my phone.”
“Alexa, start a radio station based on this song from my phone.”

Music Library Management

“Alexa, add this song to my playlist from my phone.”
“Alexa, remove this song from my playlist from my phone.”
“Alexa, create a new playlist from my phone.”
“Alexa, like this song from my phone.”

Equalizer Settings

“Alexa, adjust the bass of the music from my phone.”
“Alexa, set the treble to maximum for my music from my phone.”
“Alexa, reset the equalizer settings of the music from my phone.”
“Alexa, change the sound mode of the music from my phone.”

Now that you have these voice command examples, you can easily control your phone’s music with just a simple voice command to Alexa. Enjoy the convenience and efficiency of hands-free music control!