Voice Command Examples: UK Siri – Unleash the Power of Voice Control!

Voice command technology has revolutionized the way we interact with our devices, and Siri has been at the forefront of this innovation. In the UK, Siri provides an incredible array of voice command capabilities, allowing you to unleash the power of voice control like never before. Whether you’re looking to complete everyday tasks, stay organized, or simply have some fun, Siri is here to assist you. Below, you will find a selection of voice command examples that showcase the versatility and convenience of using Siri in the UK. So go ahead, give these commands a try, and experience the magic of voice control firsthand.

General Commands

“Hey Siri, what’s the weather like today?”
“Siri, set a timer for 30 minutes.”
“Siri, remind me to buy milk when I leave work.”
“Hey Siri, what’s the latest news?”
“Siri, open Facebook.”
“Siri, make a reservation at a nearby Italian restaurant for tonight.”
“Hey Siri, show me photos from last summer.”
“Siri, play my favorite playlist.”


“Hey Siri, call John Smith.”
“Siri, send a message to Mum: I’ll be home late tonight.”
“Siri, FaceTime Sarah.”
“Siri, read my last WhatsApp message.”


“Hey Siri, how do I get to the nearest gas station?”
“Siri, show me directions to Buckingham Palace.”
“Siri, what time does the next bus to London arrive?”
“Siri, find me a coffee shop near this location.”


“Hey Siri, create a new note titled ‘Grocery List’.”
“Siri, schedule a meeting for tomorrow at 10 am.”
“Siri, set an alarm for 7 am every weekday.”
“Siri, remind me to pay my bills on the 23rd of each month.”
“Siri, convert 50 pounds to euros.”
“Siri, what’s 20% of 150?”
“Siri, find the definition of serendipity.”
“Siri, create a new playlist with my favorite songs.”


“Hey Siri, play my Netflix queue on the living room TV.”
“Siri, what movies are playing nearby?”
“Siri, show me the trailer for the latest Marvel movie.”
“Siri, tell me a joke.”
“Siri, play some relaxing music.”

Smart Home

“Hey Siri, turn off the bedroom lights.”
“Siri, set the thermostat to 22 degrees.”
“Siri, lock the front door.”
“Siri, dim the living room lights to 50%.”


“Hey Siri, who won the last football match between Manchester United and Liverpool?”
“Siri, how tall is the Eiffel Tower?”
“Siri, what time does the nearest pharmacy close?”

Health and Fitness

“Hey Siri, how many calories are in an apple?”
“Siri, start a 15-minute workout.”
“Siri, what’s my heart rate?”
“Siri, track my water intake for today.”


“Hey Siri, order more dog food from Amazon.”
“Siri, find me the best deals on headphones.”
“Siri, track my package from UPS.”

These voice command examples are just a glimpse into the vast capabilities of Siri in the UK. Feel free to explore and experiment with different commands to unlock even more possibilities. Siri is ready to assist you and help streamline your daily activities with the power of your voice. So go ahead and unleash the potential of voice control in your life today!