10 Convenient Siri Voice Commands for Music Services

Are you a music lover who uses Siri to control your music services? Below are some convenient voice command examples you can use to make your music listening experience even easier. Whether you use Apple Music, Spotify, Pandora, or another music service, Siri can help you navigate your music library with just a few simple commands. Check out these 10 convenient Siri voice commands for music services below.

#1 Playback Control

“Hey Siri, play the next song.”
“Hey Siri, pause the music.”
“Hey Siri, shuffle my music.”

#2 Song Information

“Hey Siri, what song is this?”
“Hey Siri, who sings this song?”
“Hey Siri, what album is this from?”

#3 Playlist Management

“Hey Siri, add this song to my chill playlist.”
“Hey Siri, create a new playlist called ‘Workout Jams’.”
“Hey Siri, play my party playlist.”

#4 Artist/Album Search

“Hey Siri, play more music by this artist.”
“Hey Siri, play the latest album by this artist.”
“Hey Siri, search for more music from this album.”

#5 Queue Control

“Hey Siri, play the next song in the queue.”
“Hey Siri, clear the music queue.”
“Hey Siri, add this song to the queue.”

#6 Volume Adjustment

“Hey Siri, turn the volume up.”
“Hey Siri, lower the volume.”
“Hey Siri, set the volume to 50%.”

#7 Genre Exploration

“Hey Siri, play some rock music.”
“Hey Siri, find some new indie music.”
“Hey Siri, play some classical music.”

#8 Repeat and Loop

“Hey Siri, repeat this song.”
“Hey Siri, loop this song.”
“Hey Siri, turn off repeat.”

#9 Podcast Management

“Hey Siri, play the latest episode of my favorite podcast.”
“Hey Siri, subscribe to this podcast.”
“Hey Siri, play my downloaded podcasts.”

#10 Device Control

“Hey Siri, play this on the living room speakers.”
“Hey Siri, play this on my headphones.”
“Hey Siri, connect to my Bluetooth speaker.”