Ultimate Chat GPT Prompts for SEO Blog Writing

As an SEO expert and content creator, I often turn to AI tools like Chat GPT to help streamline my workflow. Having the right prompts is crucial to getting high-quality, optimized content from Chat GPT. In this article, I’ll share my top prompts for using Chat GPT for SEO blog writing.

Keyword Research Prompts

Coming up with relevant, high-search volume keywords is one of the first steps in creating SEO content. Here are some great prompts to get keyword ideas from Chat GPT:

“Suggest 10 keywords and keyphrases related to [broad topic] that have a monthly search volume between 500-5000.” This gives me a nice list of mid-tail keywords to target.

“Identify 5 low competition long-tail keywords related to [topic].” Since long-tail keywords tend to be more specific, targeting these can help me rank quickly.

“Group the following list of keywords by topic clusters and identify any gaps in my target topics.” This helps me identify related keywords and ensure I’m targeting all the relevant subtopics.

Outline and Structure Prompts

Having a solid structure for blog posts is vital for SEO. I use prompts like these:

“Provide a detailed outline for a 1500-word beginner’s guide blog post on [topic].” This gives me a complete content map to work from.

“Suggest 5 section headings and subheadings for an SEO-optimized guide on [topic], targeting keywords [list of target keywords].” This structures content around my target keywords.

“Create a table of contents and recommend word count per section for a [type of post] on [topic].” Gives nice balance across sections.

Content Generation Prompts

When I’m ready to generate content, I give Chat GPT very specific instructions:

“Write a 1000-word blog post on [topic] optimized for the keyword ‘[primary target keyword]’. Use the keyword in the title, H1, at least 4 times in the content, and once in the meta description. Include [list of related keywords] at least twice each. Use level 2 and 3 headings to structure the content into logical sections.” This prompt sets clear expectations for keywords and structure.

“Generate a 300-word introduction for a blog post comparing [topic 1] and [topic 2], aimed at [description of reader persona]. Focus on highlighting the key differences and include relevant statistics.” Tailoring content to reader personas is important for engagement.

“Write 5 SEO-optimized blog post titles on [broad topic].” Great for getting title ideas I can choose from.

Proofreading Prompts

As amazing as Chat GPT is, it still helps to have a human review the content. I use prompts like these before finalizing posts:

“Proofread this draft blog post on [topic] for grammar, spelling, factual accuracy, and logical flow. Correct any issues and ensure the tone is appropriate throughout.”

“Review this list of meta titles and descriptions and improve them for clickability while keeping important keywords.”

“Fact check the statistics and sources used in this blog article and make corrections if needed.”

By being as specific possible with my prompts, I can get awesome quality content from Chat GPT to help jumpstart my blog posts. I still spend time reviewing and editing the drafts, but it makes writing so much faster!

Let me know if you have any other great SEO prompts for Chat GPT in the comments!

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