Stable Diffusion Prompt for Logo

Creating a logo is an integral part of establishing a strong brand identity. With the rise of AI generative models like Stable Diffusion, logo design has been revolutionized, enabling anyone to effortlessly generate professional logos.

In this article, we will provide you with useful Stable Diffusion prompt examples to create stunning logos tailored to your needs.

What is Stable Diffusion?

Stable Diffusion is a cutting-edge AI model that can generate realistic images from text descriptions. It builds on top of DALL-E 2 and is completely open source.

The key benefit of Stable Diffusion is the ability to fine-tune the model on custom datasets. This allows generating images in any niche while avoiding problematic content.

Crafting Effective Stable Diffusion Prompts

When creating Stable Diffusion prompts, it’s crucial to provide enough context and details for the AI to generate what you envision. Here are some tips:

Specify Industry and Brand Values

Guide the AI by specifying the industry and core values of your brand. For example:

An abstract logo for an eco-friendly clothing brand focused on sustainability and nature. Incorporate earthy tones and natural shapes like leaves or branches.

Give Logo Design Instructions

Provide clear instructions on your preferred logo style. Do you want something minimalist or more detailed? Vector or raster format?

Design a minimalist vector logo with clean lines and negative space. Use a muted color palette and avoid gradients. Output as SVG.

List Relevant Adjectives

Include descriptive words and emotional qualities you want the logo to convey like “sleek”, “friendly”, “bold” etc.

Use Negative Prompts

Add negative prompts to exclude unwanted elements like “cartoonish”, “cliché” or “too complex”. This helps narrow down the search space.

Stable Diffusion Prompt Examples

Here are some prompt examples you can try for different industries:

Tech Company Logo

Futuristic abstract logo for a tech startup disrupting the space industry. Incorporate visual motifs like satellites, spaceships or orbit rings. Use a vibrant sci-fi color scheme and output as a PNG image.  
Negative prompts: cartoony, mascots, complex.

Law Firm Logo

A professional minimalist logo for a criminal defense law firm specializing in civil rights. Integrate symbolic elements like scales of justice and greek columns. Stick to three colors and output as a vector SVG file. 
Negative prompts: cluttered, gradients, intricate details.

Healthcare Logo

A modern yet comforting logo for a clinic focused on women's health and wellness. Subtly incorporate the female gender symbol and heart motif. Use a soft pastel palette and round organic shapes. Export as PNG.
Negative prompts: masculine, medical imagery, literal hearts.  

Hospitality Logo

A friendly and inviting logo for a pet-friendly bed and breakfast hotel. Feature subtle paw print motifs and perhaps a dog or cat silhouette. Use a warm, happy color scheme and flowing script font. Output as JPG.
Negative prompts: cold imagery, modern fonts, vacation themes.

Additional Tips for Fine-Tuning

Here are some additional tips to further refine your Stable Diffusion logo results:

  • Adjust Guidance Scale: Increase guidance scale to generate more on-prompt logos.
  • Try Different Samplers: Samplers like DPM++ can yield better coherence.
  • Alter Seed Value: Change seed for more logo variations.
  • Upscale Images: Use image upscalers like RealESRGAN for extra sharpness.


Crafting the perfect Stable Diffusion prompts takes experimentation. Start with these examples and keep iterating. Specify enough context and constraints. Review the results critically. Adjust your prompts based on what’s working.

With practice, you will be able to produce stunning logos tailored to your brand identity through the power of AI!

Let me know if you have any other questions!