Stable Diffusion Prompt for Eyes

When creating images with AI art generators like Stable Diffusion, getting the eyes right can be tricky. The eyes are central to conveying emotion and realism in generated portraits and characters. As an aspiring AI artist, mastering eye prompts for Stable Diffusion is key to taking your art to the next level.

In this article, I’ll bold my most important insights from researching and testing various eye prompts. My goal is to help fellow artists use prompts to generate stunning, realistic eyes in their AI art.

My Background with Stable Diffusion

I’m an enthusiast who has used Stable Diffusion extensively for the past few months to create original anime-style character art. Through trial and error across hundreds of generations, I’ve learned which prompts work best for rendering eyes full of life and detail.

Eyes are vital to making a character feel alive, so nailing eye prompts has become a top priority in my workflow. Below I’ll share examples and tips so you can shortcut the learning curve!

Crafting Better Eyes with Prompts

When generating eyes, Stable Diffusion relies completely on the text prompts you provide. Here are some of my top lessons for getting great results:

Emphasize Eye Shape and Iris Details

Use descriptive words to indicate the exact shape and colors you want:

"Almond shaped green eyes with central heterochromia, intricate hazel starburst pattern around pupil"

Words like “almond”, “round”, and “narrow” shape the eye, while specifics on the iris, pupils, and patterns add realism.

Add Eye Qualities

Describe distinctive qualities like shine, depth, and emotion:

"Sparkling eyes radiating curiosity and warmth" 

This imbues eyes with personality beyond just shape and color.

Focus Attention on Eyes

Use prompt weighting to make SD prioritize the eyes:

[Detailed eyes]:2.2, [Long eyelashes]:1.5

The numbers act as multipliers, forcing more detail and accuracy.

Fix Asymmetry Issues

Add symmetry prompts to correct uneven or skewed eyes:

"Perfectly symmetrical eyes"

This helps align paired features during generation.

Example Eye Prompts

Here are a few full prompt examples for generating vibrant, compelling anime eyes with Stable Diffusion:

Mysterious Purple Eyes

Portrait of a beautiful girl with sparkling, perfectly symmetrical almond shaped eyes, intricate purple and blue iris with stars radiating curiosity

Joyful Green Eyes

[Detailed green eyes with central heterochromia]:2.0, radiating contagious joy, watercolor style

Sad Blue Eyes

Girl with round, soulful blue eyes with tears welled up, conveying deep sadness through the windows of her soul

Have fun experimenting with these prompts and tweaking them to find your own style! The key is specificity and using weighted prompts to focus the AI.

Resources for Eye Inspiration

Here are some useful sites for eye photography reference:

Study photos of real eyes to inspire fine details for your prompts. Tracing the iris patterns, highlights, and tones will level up your descriptions.

The more reference material you provide in prompts, the better results Stable Diffusion can generate. Describe exactly the eyes you want to see!


Eyes make or break a character portrait. Mastering prompts for generating stunning eyes takes experimentation and reference. Apply lessons about shape, color, emotion, symmetry, and attention to craft realistic eyes full of life.

For more AI art tips, check out my YouTube channel demonstrating prompt examples in action. Let’s keep pushing Stable Diffusion to create captivating characters!