Stable Diffusion Prompt Distance

Stable Diffusion is an AI image generation model that creates images from text prompts. Prompts are the instructions you give to Stable Diffusion to tell it what kind of image you want it to generate.

Crafting effective prompts is key to getting good results from Stable Diffusion. Prompts need to strike a balance between providing enough detail while still leaving room for creativity on the AI’s part.

In this article, I will provide examples of Stable Diffusion prompts for different use cases, along with tips on how to write better prompts.

Prompt Structure

A typical Stable Diffusion prompt consists of the following elements:

  • Subject – A description of the main focus of the image
  • Style – Artistic style you want the image to follow
  • Details – Additional descriptive details about the image content
  • Composition – Framing, angle, lighting etc.

Here is an example prompt structure:

[Subject], [style], [details], [composition]

So a full prompt might look like:

A still life painting of fruit in a bowl, baroque style, sunlight streaming from the top left, soft focus, high detail

Prompt Examples

Here are some examples of Stable Diffusion prompts for different use cases:


A high angle portrait photo of a beautiful young woman with long blonde hair blowing in the wind, soft lighting, depth of field


An epic wide landscape painting of a sunset over the ocean, trending on ArtStation, by Alphonse Mucha 

Concept Art

A sci-fi spaceship concept design with intricate paneling and engine details, matte painting, 8k resolution

Fashion Photography

A model wearing a red gown standing in front of a marble pillar, dramatic side lighting, cinematic framing

Prompt Engineering Tips

Here are some tips for writing better Stable Diffusion prompts:

  • Be specific – Provide lots of descriptive details about what you want to generate. The more guidance the better.
  • Limit adjectives – Only include adjectives if they serve an important purpose, as too many can confuse the AI.
  • Reference art styles – Name-dropping artists helps steer the style.
  • Use photography terms – Framing, lighting, aperture etc. also provide useful guidance.
  • Iterate gradually – Start with a simple prompt, generate results, then slowly add more details.


Crafting the perfect prompt is part art and part science. Following the tips and examples provided in this article will help you get better results with Stable Diffusion.

The key is to find the right balance between providing guidance while still allowing the AI creativity and latitude to do its thing. With practice, you’ll get better at prompt engineering over time.

Useful Resources: