ChatGPT Prompt for Paraphrasing

ChatGPT is an advanced AI assistant that can be used for a variety of tasks, including paraphrasing text. Paraphrasing is the process of rewriting something using different words while keeping the original meaning intact. It’s a useful skill for writers and content creators who want to rework existing content in a fresh way while avoiding plagiarism issues.

In this article, I’ll provide some ChatGPT prompt examples for paraphrasing text, along with tips on how to get the best results. Whether you’re a student needing to rework an essay or a marketing professional breathing new life into old blog posts, ChatGPT can help take your paraphrasing game to the next level.

Basic Paraphrasing Prompt Structure

When creating a paraphrasing prompt for ChatGPT, there are a few key things to include:

  • The original text you want to paraphrase
  • Clear instructions to rephrase the text
  • Specifications on tone, style, or formatting
  • An example to demonstrate the desired output

Here is a basic paraphrasing prompt structure:

Original text: [Insert text to paraphrase here]

Please rephrase the above text in a/an [tone] tone without changing its meaning or removing key details. 

Example paraphrased text:
Original: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.  
Paraphrase: The speedy brown fox leaps over the inactive canine.

Paraphrased text:

This provides ChatGPT with the information it needs to understand the paraphrasing task and generate an appropriate rewritten version.

Paraphrasing for Different Contexts

You can customize your ChatGPT paraphrasing prompts further by specifying the context or purpose for the rewritten text. Here are some examples:

Academic Paraphrasing

Original text: [Insert text]

Please reword the above excerpt for use in an academic essay without altering its meaning. Use formal language and cite sources [1] and [2].  

Paraphrased text:

Creative Paraphrasing

Original poem: 
[Insert poem text]

Please reimagine the above poem with fresh metaphors and descriptive language while preserving its original essence and tone. 

Paraphrased poem:

Conversational Paraphrasing

Original text: [Insert text from a book or article]

Please rephrase the above excerpt in a more conversational tone for use in a casual blog post while retaining key details and meaning. 

Paraphrased text:

As you can see, clearly explaining the end goal for your paraphrased text allows ChatGPT to rewrite it appropriately.

Reviewing and Refining the Outputs

Like any AI assistant, ChatGPT may occasionally misinterpret certain parts of your prompt. It’s always important to carefully review the paraphrasing outputs before using them further.

Here are some tips:

  • Check that all key details and meaning from the original are preserved
  • Ensure the specified tone/style is reflected accurately
  • Look out for any factual inaccuracies or errors
  • Tweak parts that sound awkward or unclear

Don’t be afraid to go back and forth a few times with additional instructions until you get a paraphrased version you are happy with!


With the right prompts and a bit of refinement, ChatGPT can paraphrase text quickly for a wide range of uses. Whether you need to rework content for academic integrity, breathe new life into stale writing, or convey complex information conversationally, ChatGPT has got you covered.

The key is providing clear paraphrasing instructions and expectations upfront, along with an example to guide ChatGPT. Review the outputs carefully before using them to catch any errors. And don’t be afraid to keep prompting for improvements until you achieve the high-quality paraphrasing you desire!

Useful Websites: