Stable Diffusion Negative Prompt for Landscape

Stable Diffusion is a powerful AI image generator that allows users to create detailed landscape images simply by providing text prompts. However, getting high-quality results consistently can be challenging. That’s where negative prompts come in handy.

Negative prompts are instructions you can add to your text prompt to tell Stable Diffusion what not to include in the generated image. Using negative prompts gives you more control over the output and helps avoid unwanted elements.

Here are some common issues that negative prompts can help fix in landscape images:

Removing Unwanted Objects

Stable Diffusion may sometimes randomly generate things like buildings, people, or animals in landscape images where you don’t want them.

To avoid this, add negative prompts like:

no people, no buildings, no cars, no boats, no animals

Fixing Image Quality Issues

Landscape images can suffer from quality issues like:

  • Blurriness
  • Low resolution/detail
  • Compression artifacts
  • Overexposed or underexposed areas

Fix these by adding:

not blurry, high resolution, high quality, no artifacts, properly exposed

Changing Lighting and Weather

You can guide the lighting and weather in your generated landscape by using negative prompts like:

no rain, no snow, no clouds, no fog, sunny, bright lighting

Conversely, you can prompt for specific conditions by negating their opposites:

no clear skies, no direct sunlight

Improving Realism

Sometimes Stable Diffusion generates landscapes that seem a bit “off”. They may have weird colors, lighting that doesn’t match, objects floating in the air etc.

Fix realism issues with:

realistic, accurate lighting, no floating objects

Note: You still have to provide a descriptive positive prompt for the landscape you want to generate, in addition to using negative prompts.

Crafting Negative Prompts for Landscapes

When creating negative prompts, follow these best practices:

Be Specific

Use concrete nouns instead of broad adjectives:

no trees, no houses 


not manmade, natural

Prioritize Key Elements

Focus on negating unimportant elements first before moving to important ones:

no clouds, no fog, no snow, no rain, sunny

The weather is less important than the landscape itself, so address weather issues first.

Use Multiple Variants

List multiple synonyms to cover all possibilities:

no people, no humans, unpopulated 

Modulate Severity

For elements you may want reduced but not eliminated, modulate severity:

fewer clouds:(1.2)

Higher numbers indicate more emphasis on reduction.

Experiment Iteratively

Start with a few common negative prompts, generate samples, then adjust prompts based on results. Rinse and repeat.

Complete List of Negative Prompts for Landscapes

Here is an extensive list of negative prompts you can use as a starting point:

People and Buildings

no people, no humans, no buildings, no houses, no structures, unpopulated, untouched nature, pristine, no man made objects


no animals, no wildlife, no creatures, uninhabited, no pets


no cars, no vehicles, no boats, no ships 

Quality Issues

not blurry, not pixelated, not grainy, high resolution, high quality, crisp, sharp focus, no compression artifacts, no banding, no noise, properly exposed

Lighting and Weather

no rain, no snow, no storm, no clouds, sunny, bright lighting, clear skies, bright sunshine, no fog, no mist, no haze


no empty space, no whitespace, no dead space


realistic lighting, accurate colors, vibrant, rich color, no textures missing, consistent style, harmonious, seamless, photorealistic, naturalistic, authentic, genuine, convincing, plausible, lifelike, actual, truthful, valid, logical, possible 

Unwanted Elements

no text, no watermarks, no signatures, no debris, no garbage, no dirt, no defects

Try out these negative prompts with your landscape image prompts in Stable Diffusion. Pay attention to the results and further refine the negative prompts based on what you want to improve.

With some practice, you’ll be able to create stunning landscape images consistently!

Recommended Tools

Here are some great tools for easily generating landscape images with Stable Diffusion using negative prompts:

  • DreamStudio – Feature-rich web interface for Stable Diffusion with advanced prompt options.
  • Automatic1111 WebUI – Local web interface for Stable Diffusion you can host on your computer.
  • Lexica – Web app for creating AI images with an intuitive UI and quality controls.


Negative prompts give you fine-grained control over Stable Diffusion’s image generation process. Specifying unwanted elements to exclude using negative prompts is key to getting high-quality landscape images consistently.

Follow the tips outlined here on crafting effective negative prompts tailored to your needs. With some experimentation, you’ll be able to create breathtaking landscape imagery with Stable Diffusion.