Siri Voice Command Examples: Mastering Voice Control on iPhone 6

As technology advances, our devices are becoming more intuitive and responsive to our needs, reducing the need for physical interaction. With the rise of Siri, Apple’s virtual assistant, voice control has taken center stage. Imagine the convenience of being able to perform tasks on your iPhone 6 simply by speaking! In this article, we will explore a range of voice command examples that will help you master the art of voice control on your iPhone 6. Below, you will find a comprehensive list of 33-150 relevant voice commands that cover various aspects of Siri Voice Command Examples: Mastering Voice Control on iPhone 6. Feel free to experiment and discover the vast capabilities that Siri has to offer.

Siri Basics:

#1 Making a Call

“Call [contact name]”
“Redial my last call”
“Call [phone number]”

#2 Sending a Message

“Send a message to [contact name] saying [your message]”
“Send a message to [contact name]”
“Reply [your message] to [contact name]”
“Read my last message”
“Read my messages”

#3 Dictating Notes

“Take a note about [subject]”
“Create a note”

#4 Checking the Weather

“What’s the weather like today?”
“What’s the forecast for [day]?”

#5 Setting Alarms and Timers

“Set an alarm for [time]”
“Set a timer for [duration]”
“Cancel my alarm”
“Delete my timer”

#6 Checking Calendar Events

“What’s on my calendar for [day]?”
“When is my next appointment?”
“Add an event to my calendar on [date] at [time]”

#7 Getting Directions

“Give me directions to [destination]”
“What’s the nearest [place]?”

Phone and Messaging:

#8 Checking Voicemail

“Check my voicemail”

#9 Facetime

“Facetime [contact name]”

#10 Call and Message Settings

“Turn on Do Not Disturb”
“Increase the volume”
“Enable Airplane Mode”
“Turn on Wi-Fi”

#11 Bluetooth

“Connect to Bluetooth”
“Disconnect from Bluetooth”

#12 Share Location

“Share my location with [contact name]”
“Stop sharing my location”

Internet and Social Media:

#13 Web Search

“Search the web for [subject]”
“What is the capital of [country]?”
“How many ounces in a pound?”

#14 Social Media

“Post to Facebook [your message]”
“Tweet [your message]”
“Update my Facebook status to [your message]”

#15 Open Apps and Websites

“Open [app name]”
“Go to [website name]”

#16 Reading News and Articles

“Read me the latest news”
“Read [website name]”

Entertainment and Media:

#17 Music Playback

“Play [song name]”
“Play my favorite playlist”
“Shuffle my music”

#18 Movie and TV Recommendations

“Find action movies”
“Recommend TV shows to watch”

#19 Book Recommendations

“Recommend books to read”
“Find best-selling novels”


#20 Set Reminders

“Remind me to [task] at [time]”
“Remind me when I leave [location] to [task]”

#21 Set a Wake-Up Alarm

“Wake me up at [time]”

#22 Calculations

“What is [number] plus [number]?”
“What is [number] divided by [number]?”

#23 Conversion

“Convert [value] [unit] to [unit]”

#24 Language Translation

“Translate [phrase] to [language]”

#25 Creating and Editing Notes

“Create a note”
“Add [task] to my shopping list”
“Find my note about [subject]”

#26 Email

“Send an email to [contact name] about [subject]”
“Check my emails”

#27 Voice Control Settings

“Open Siri settings”
“Customize voice feedback”

#28 Locking Your Phone

“Lock my phone”


#29 Jokes and Fun

“Tell me a joke”
“Do you have any funny stories?”

#30 Siri’s Information

“What is your name?”
“How old are you?”
“Who created you?”

#31 Find Nearby Restaurants

“Find restaurants near me”
“What are some popular restaurants nearby?”

#32 Sports Updates

“Who won the latest football game?”
“Give me the latest basketball scores”

#33 Setting Location-Based Reminders

“Remind me to buy groceries when I leave work”

Remember, these examples are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to utilizing Siri’s voice control capabilities. Experiment with different commands and explore the depths of what Siri can do for you, turning your iPhone 6 into your very own voice-commanded assistant.