20 Alexa Commands for FITBIT Smartwatch

Saying “Alexa” doesn’t activate Alexa on your smartwatch. You must activate Alexa before the microphone in your watch turns on. After it, you can use commands in here to control your Smartwatch.

“Alexa, ask Fitbit to set a timer for {number} minutes”. Example: “Alexa, ask Fitbit to set a timer for 10 minutes”

“Alexa, ask Fitbit to set an alarm for {time} a.m/p.m”. Example: “Alexa, ask Fitbit to set an alarm for 10:00 a.m”

“Alexa, ask Fitbit what’s the temperature outside?”

“Alexa, ask Fitbit to remind me to make dinner at {time} a.m/p.m”. Example: “Alexa, ask Fitbit to remind me to make dinner at 6:00 p.m”

“Alexa, ask Fitbit how much protein is in an egg?”

“Alexa, ask Fitbit to start a run”

“Alexa, ask Fitbit to start cycling”

“Alexa, tell Fitbit to start swimming”

“Alexa, start a bike ride with Fitbit”

“Alexa, ask Fitbit how I’m doing today”

“Alexa, ask Fitbit how I slept last night”

“Alexa, ask Fitbit how many steps I’ve taken”

“Alexa, ask Fitbit how far I’ve walked today”

“Alexa, ask Fitbit how many calories I’ve burned”

“Alexa, ask Fitbit what my resting heart rate is”

“Alexa, ask Fitbit how many flights of stairs I’ve climbed”

“Alexa, ask Fitbit how many active minutes I have”

“Alexa, ask Fitbit how much water I’ve had”

“Alexa, ask Fitbit how much I weigh”

“Alexa, ask Fitbit about my battery”