Mastering Xbox One Audio: Voice Command Examples for Cortana

Welcome to our guide on mastering Xbox One audio with voice commands for Cortana. In this article, we will be providing you with a range of voice command examples that you can use to enhance your audio experience on your Xbox One console. Whether you’re looking to adjust volume levels, control media playback, or immerse yourself in your favorite games, Cortana can assist you with a variety of commands. Below, you will find an extensive list of voice command examples that are relevant to mastering Xbox One audio with Cortana. Simply speak these commands to your console, and Cortana will execute your requests.

#1 Basic Audio Control

“Turn up the volume.”
“Decrease the volume.”
“Mute the audio.”
“Unmute the audio.”
“Pause the audio.”
“Resume the audio.”
“Stop audio playback.”

#2 Media Control

“Play the next track.”
“Play the previous track.”
“Skip forward 10 seconds.”
“Skip back 10 seconds.”
“Fast forward.”

#3 Game Audio Control

“Increase game audio.”
“Decrease game audio.”
“Mute game audio.”
“Unmute game audio.”
“Turn off game music.”
“Enable game music.”
“Change game audio mode to surround sound.”
“Change game audio mode to stereo.”

#4 Audio Settings

“Open audio settings.”
“Adjust the bass.”
“Adjust the treble.”
“Change audio balance.”
“Change audio output to headphones.”
“Change audio output to TV speakers.”
“Change audio output to external speakers.”
“Enable Dolby Atmos.”
“Disable Dolby Atmos.”

#5 Party Chat Control

“Invite [friend name] to the party.”
“Join party.”
“Leave party.”
“Mute party chat.”
“Unmute party chat.”
“Switch to game chat.”
“Switch to party chat.”
“Start a private chat with [friend name].”
“End private chat.”

#6 Volume Control

“Set volume to 50%.”
“Volume up by 10%.”
“Volume down by 10%.”
“Maximize volume.”
“Mute volume.”
“Unmute volume.”
“Lower volume.”
“Raise volume.”

#7 Background Music

“Play music in the background.”
“Stop background music.”
“Skip to next song.”
“Play previous song.”
“Shuffle playlist.”
“Repeat playlist.”
“Change background music volume.”
“Play [artist/album/playlist name] on Spotify.”

#8 System Sounds

“Turn off system sounds.”
“Turn on system sounds.”
“Adjust system sounds volume.”
“Disable controller sounds.”
“Enable controller sounds.”
“Change controller volume.”
“Turn off notification sounds.”
“Turn on notification sounds.”
“Change notification sounds volume.”

#9 Surround Sound Settings

“Enable surround sound.”
“Disable surround sound.”
“Adjust surround sound volume.”
“Switch to stereo sound.”
“Switch to 5.1 sound.”
“Switch to 7.1 sound.”
“Change surround sound mode.”

These voice command examples will help you take full advantage of the audio capabilities of your Xbox One console. Feel free to experiment with these commands and customize your audio experience to suit your preferences.