Cortana’s Secret Commands: Your Ultimate Voice Assistant Guide

Welcome to Cortana’s Secret Commands: Your Ultimate Voice Assistant Guide! As Microsoft’s virtual assistant, Cortana is designed to help you in various aspects of your life, including scheduling, searching the web, sending emails, and even playing music. In this guide, we will share some of Cortana’s secret commands that can make your experience even more efficient and productive. Below are some examples that you can try out yourself.

#1 Getting Started

“Hey Cortana, what can you do?”
“Hey Cortana, tell me a joke.”
“Hey Cortana, set an alarm for 7 AM tomorrow.”
“Hey Cortana, remind me to buy milk when I’m at the grocery store.”

#2 Personalization

“Hey Cortana, change your accent.”
“Hey Cortana, what’s my name?”
“Hey Cortana, do you like me?”
“Hey Cortana, tell me something interesting about yourself.”

#3 Productivity

“Hey Cortana, open Word.”
“Hey Cortana, show me my calendar.”
“Hey Cortana, schedule a meeting for next Wednesday.”
“Hey Cortana, send an email to John with the attachment.”
“Hey Cortana, set a reminder to check my emails at 2 PM.”

#4 Entertainment

“Hey Cortana, play some music.”
“Hey Cortana, what’s the weather like?”
“Hey Cortana, show me the latest news.”
“Hey Cortana, launch Netflix.”
“Hey Cortana, tell me a story.”

#5 Navigation

“Hey Cortana, where am I?”
“Hey Cortana, how can I get to the nearest gas station?”
“Hey Cortana, what’s the traffic like?”
“Hey Cortana, find me the best Thai restaurant in this area.”
“Hey Cortana, navigate to Starbucks.”

#6 Fun and Games

“Hey Cortana, play rock, paper, scissors.”
“Hey Cortana, roll the dice.”
“Hey Cortana, tell me a riddle.”
“Hey Cortana, who is your favorite superhero?”
“Hey Cortana, sing me a song.”

These are just a few examples of what you can ask Cortana. Feel free to explore and experiment with the voice commands to see what else she can do for you!