Mastering Google Assistant: Essential YouTube Voice Commands

Are you ready to take your YouTube experience to the next level with Google Assistant? Below are some essential voice command examples that you can use to optimize your YouTube usage and make the most of your Google Assistant. Whether you’re looking to search for specific videos, control playback, or explore new content, these voice commands will help you master Google Assistant and get the most out of your YouTube experience.

Basic Commands #1

“Hey Google, play the next video.”
“Hey Google, pause the video.”
“Hey Google, resume the video.”
“Hey Google, rewind 30 seconds.”
“Hey Google, skip to 3 minutes and 15 seconds.”

Search Commands #2

“Hey Google, search for cat videos on YouTube.”
“Hey Google, find music videos by Taylor Swift.”
“Hey Google, look for cooking tutorials on YouTube.”
“Hey Google, show me trending videos.”

Playlist Commands #3

“Hey Google, play my ‘Favorites’ playlist on YouTube.”
“Hey Google, add this video to my ‘Watch Later’ playlist.”
“Hey Google, shuffle my ‘Workout’ playlist.”

Recommendations Commands #4

“Hey Google, show me recommended videos on YouTube.”
“Hey Google, find similar videos to this one.”
“Hey Google, recommend some funny videos.”

Subscriptions Commands #5

“Hey Google, show me new videos from my subscriptions.”
“Hey Google, play the latest video from PewDiePie.”
“Hey Google, unsubscribe from this channel.”

Volume and Playback Commands #6

“Hey Google, turn up the volume on YouTube.”
“Hey Google, mute the video.”
“Hey Google, play the previous video.”
“Hey Google, loop this video.”

Control Commands #7

“Hey Google, like this video.”
“Hey Google, share this video on Twitter.”
“Hey Google, comment on this video.”

Explore Commands #8

“Hey Google, show me gaming channels on YouTube.”
“Hey Google, find educational channels on YouTube.”
“Hey Google, explore travel vlogs.”

Watch Later Commands #9

“Hey Google, remove this video from my ‘Watch Later’ playlist.”
“Hey Google, play my ‘Watch Later’ playlist.”
“Hey Google, add this video to my ‘Watch Later’ playlist.”