Mastering Alexa Ecobee Commands: Essential Voice Examples

Welcome to Mastering Alexa Ecobee Commands: Essential Voice Examples. If you’re looking to take full advantage of your Ecobee thermostat with Alexa, you’ve come to the right place. With Alexa, you can control your thermostat with just a few simple voice commands. Below are some essential voice command examples that can help you make the most of your Ecobee thermostat.

#1 Temperature Control Commands

“Set the temperature to 72 degrees”
“Increase the temperature by 2 degrees”
“Decrease the temperature by 4 degrees”
“What is the current temperature?”

#2 Mode Commands

“Set the Thermostat to Cool mode”
“Set the Thermostat to Heat mode”
“Set the Thermostat to Auto mode”

#3 Fan Commands

“Set the fan to On”
“Set the fan to Auto”
“Turn off the fan”

#4 Schedule Commands

“What is the current schedule?”
“Set the Thermostat to Sleep schedule”
“Set the Thermostat to Home schedule”
“Set the Thermostat to Away schedule”

#5 Room Sensor Commands

“Change the temperature to the sensor in the bedroom”
“Turn off the sensor in the bathroom”
“Change the name of the sensor in the living room”

#6 Comfort Setting Commands

“Set the Thermostat to Comfort Setting 1”
“Set the Thermostat to Comfort Setting 2”
“Set the Thermostat to Comfort Setting 3”

#7 Vacation Commands

“Enable vacation mode”
“Disable vacation mode”
“Set the vacation temperature to 68 degrees”

#8 Boost Commands

“Boost the temperature for one hour”
“Boost the temperature by 5 degrees for 30 minutes”

#9 Report Commands

“What is the weekly usage report?”
“Tell me the monthly usage report”
“Give me the yearly report”

#10 Humidity Commands

“Increase the humidity by 5%”
“Decrease the humidity by 3%”
“What is the current humidity level?”

#11 Interview Mode Commands

“Enable interview mode”
“Disable interview mode”
“What is interview mode?”

#12 Smart Home Control Commands

“Turn off the lights”
“Set the TV dimmer to 50%”
“Lock the front door”

We hope these commands help you in mastering your Ecobee thermostat with Alexa. Feel free to experiment with different commands to find out what works best for you and your home.