7 Siri HomeKit Commands for Ecobee: Examples and How-To Guide

Are you looking for ways to control your Ecobee smart home devices using Siri and HomeKit? Look no further! Below are some voice command examples you can use to make your home more efficient and convenient. Whether you want to adjust the temperature, turn on the lights, or check the status of your smart thermostat, these commands will help you make the most out of your Ecobee devices with just your voice.

#1 Thermostat Control

“Set the temperature to 72 degrees.”
“Increase the temperature by 2 degrees.”
“Set the thermostat to eco mode.”
“Turn on the fan.”

#2 Room Control

“Turn off the lights in the living room.”
“Dim the lights in the bedroom to 50%.”
“Turn on the hallway lights.”
“Set the mood lighting in the dining room.”

#3 Schedule and Mode Control

“Turn on the sleep mode.”
“Resume the comfort schedule.”
“Set the thermostat to vacation mode.”
“Create a new schedule for the weekend.”

#4 Sensor and Status Control

“Check the temperature in the kitchen.”
“What is the humidity level in the bathroom?”
“Show the occupancy status in the office.”
“Get the current weather forecast.”

#5 System Control

“Turn off the air conditioning.”
“Reset the thermostat to default settings.”
“Calibrate the temperature sensor.”
“Update the firmware for the thermostat.”

#6 Smart Away Control

“Activate the smart away mode.”
“Deactivate the smart away mode.”
“Set the away temperature to 65 degrees.”
“Enable the geofencing feature.”

#7 Voice Control and Integration

“Ask Siri to set the temperature to 70 degrees.”
“Use Siri to turn on the lights in the kitchen.”
“Tell Siri to check the thermostat status.”
“Integrate Ecobee with other HomeKit devices.”