Mastering Alexa: 10 Essential YouTube Voice Commands

Below are some examples of voice commands that you can use to master Alexa and navigate through the essential YouTube features. These commands will help you make the most out of your YouTube experience and effortlessly control your favorite videos. Whether you want to search for videos, play a specific channel, or even adjust the playback settings, Alexa is here to make it easier than ever. Just say the magic words, and let Alexa take care of the rest.

#1 Searching for Videos:

“Alexa, search for music videos by Taylor Swift”
“Alexa, find cooking tutorials on YouTube”
“Alexa, search for funny cat videos”
“Alexa, find popular movie trailers on YouTube”
“Alexa, look for tech reviews on YouTube”

#2 Playing a Specific Channel:

“Alexa, play videos from the official YouTube channel”
“Alexa, play recent uploads from [name of YouTube channel]”
“Alexa, find videos from [name of YouTuber]”
“Alexa, watch the latest vlog from [name of YouTuber]”
“Alexa, play videos from the trending section on YouTube”

#3 Adjusting Playback Settings:

“Alexa, pause”
“Alexa, resume”
“Alexa, skip to the next video”
“Alexa, rewind 30 seconds”
“Alexa, play in full-screen mode”

#4 Controlling Playback:

“Alexa, play YouTube videos on TV”
“Alexa, play videos in 720p quality”
“Alexa, turn on subtitles”
“Alexa, skip to a specific time in the video”
“Alexa, increase/decrease volume”

#5 Discover New Content:

“Alexa, play music playlists on YouTube”
“Alexa, find workout tutorials on YouTube”
“Alexa, play the latest news videos”
“Alexa, find DIY and craft videos”
“Alexa, play videos from top travel channels”

#6 Interacting and Commenting:

“Alexa, like this video”
“Alexa, dislike this video”
“Alexa, comment on this video: ‘Great content!'”
“Alexa, subscribe to this channel”
“Alexa, share this video on Facebook”

#7 Exploring Your History:

“Alexa, show my YouTube watch history”
“Alexa, clear my YouTube search history”
“Alexa, show my liked videos on YouTube”
“Alexa, find videos I’ve watched last week”
“Alexa, what videos have I viewed today?”

#8 Managing Playlists:

“Alexa, create a new playlist”
“Alexa, add this video to my playlist”
“Alexa, remove video from playlist”
“Alexa, play my ‘Favorites’ playlist”
“Alexa, shuffle my YouTube playlist”

#9 Getting Recommendations:

“Alexa, recommend funny videos on YouTube”
“Alexa, suggest new music channels on YouTube”
“Alexa, what are the top gaming YouTubers?”
“Alexa, recommend popular movie reviews on YouTube”
“Alexa, what YouTube videos are trending today?”

#10 Directing Alexa:

“Alexa, stop”
“Alexa, go back to the YouTube home screen”
“Alexa, go to my subscriptions”
“Alexa, navigate to the ‘History’ section”
“Alexa, return to the previous video”