17 Alexa Commands for Allrecipes

“Alexa, ask Allrecipes for the recipe of the day”

“Alexa, ask Allrecipes to add this recipe to my favorites”

“Alexa, open the allrecipes skill”

“Alexa, how much time it will take?”

“Alexa, send the recipe to my phone”

“Alexa, start cooking”

“Alexa, next”

“Alexa, skip”

“Alexa, repeat”

“Alexa, ask Allrecipes for an easy {food name} recipe”. Example: “Alexa, ask Allrecipes for an easy pizza recipe”

“Alexa, ask Allrecipes what I can make with {item 1} and {item 2}”. Example: “Alexa, ask Allrecipes what I can make with chicken and asparagus

“Alexa, find me a {food name} recipe”. Example: “Alexa, find me a chicken française recipe”

“Alexa, find me a recipe with condensed {item 1} and {item 2}”. Example: “Alexa, find me a recipe with condensed chicken and asparagus

“Alexa, recipe {food name} details”. Example: “Alexa, recipe chicken française details”

“Alexa, {food name} ingredient details”. Example: “Alexa, chicken française ingredient details”

“Alexa, {food name} reviews”. Example: “Alexa, chicken française reviews”

“Alexa, how much {item} do I need?”. Example: “Alexa, how much milk do I need?”