Master Spotify with Google Assistant – Voice Command Examples

In today’s world, music has become an essential component of our lives. Whether you want to relax, work out, or party, music can elevate any mood with its charm. And when it comes to listening to music, Spotify is one app that stands apart from the rest. With its vast collection of songs from different genres and artists, Spotify has not only become an app but also an inseparable part of our lives. And thanks to the integration of Google Assistant, controlling Spotify has become even more convenient. In this article, we have compiled some of the best voice command examples for mastering Spotify with Google Assistant.

#1 Controlling Your Music Playback

“Play some music on Spotify.”
“Play [song name] by [artist name] on Spotify.”
“Play some [genre] music on Spotify.”
“Pause the music on Spotify.”
“Resume the music on Spotify.”
“Skip this song on Spotify.”
“Skip to [song name] on Spotify.”
“Rewind this song on Spotify.”
“Rewind [number] seconds on Spotify.”
“Fast forward this song on Spotify.”
“Fast forward [number] seconds on Spotify.”

#2 Controlling Your Library

“Add this song to my Spotify library.”
“Remove this song from my Spotify library.”
“Add to my Spotify library.”
“Remove from my Spotify library.”
“Add [album name] to my Spotify library.”
“Remove [album name] from my Spotify library.”

#3 Discovering New Music

“Recommend me some new music on Spotify.”
“What are the top songs on Spotify?”
“Play some popular songs on Spotify.”
“Play some new releases on Spotify.”
“Play some trending songs on Spotify.”
“Play some themed playlists on Spotify, such as ‘Workout’ or ‘Relaxing’.”

#4 Customizing Your Experience

“What’s playing right now on Spotify?”
“What’s the name of this song on Spotify?”
“Which artist is playing on Spotify?”
“Set the volume to [number] on Spotify.”
“Shuffle my Spotify playlist.”
“Turn on repeat mode on Spotify.”
“Turn off repeat mode on Spotify.”
“Change playback device to [speaker name] on Spotify.”
“Disconnect playback device on Spotify.”
“Connect to playback device on Spotify.”

#5 Managing Your Account

“Log in to my Spotify account.”
“Log out of my Spotify account.”
“Switch to another Spotify account.”
“Change my Spotify password.”
“Activate Spotify Premium.”
“Deactivate Spotify Premium.”
“What’s my Spotify account information?”
“Delete my Spotify account.”