Mastering Skyrim with Alexa: Voice Command Examples

If you’re a fan of Skyrim and have an Amazon Alexa, you’ll love this list of voice command examples to help you master the game. By using only your voice, you can control your character, find information, and perform actions in the game quickly and easily. Below are some examples of voice commands you can use to enhance your gaming experience.

General Commands #1

“Alexa, open Skyrim.”

“Alexa, start a new game.”

“Alexa, save game.”

“Alexa, load game.”

“Alexa, pause game.”

“Alexa, resume game.”

“Alexa, go to Whiterun.”

“Alexa, go to Solitude.”

“Alexa, go to Riften.”

“Alexa, go to Windhelm.”

Inventory Management #2

“Alexa, open inventory.”

“Alexa, equip sword.”

“Alexa, equip bow.”

“Alexa, equip spell.”

“Alexa, drop item.”

“Alexa, give item to follower.”

Magic #3

“Alexa, open spells.”

“Alexa, equip destruction spell.”

“Alexa, equip restoration spell.”

“Alexa, equip alteration spell.”

“Alexa, equip conjuration spell.”

“Alexa, equip illusion spell.”

Combat skills #4

“Alexa, equip one-handed weapon.”

“Alexa, equip two-handed weapon.”

“Alexa, wield shield.”

“Alexa, use shout.”

“Alexa, use bow.”

“Alexa, use crossbow.”

“Alexa, use spell.”

Quest Management #5

“Alexa, show active quests.”

“Alexa, accept quest.”

“Alexa, abandon quest.”

“Alexa, complete quest.”

“Alexa, activate quest marker.”

“Alexa, show quest journal.”

World Interactions #6

“Alexa, open map.”

“Alexa, fast travel to location.”

“Alexa, talk to NPC.”

“Alexa, steal item.”

“Alexa, use item.”

“Alexa, search for items.”

These voice command examples are just the beginning of what you can do with Alexa to master Skyrim. Try them out and see how they can improve your gameplay experience.