Master Google Voice Command Examples for Effortless Assistance

Are you tired of typing out your searches or commands on Google? With Google Voice Command, you can easily access information or perform tasks using just your voice. Below are some examples of voice commands you can use to make your life easier and more efficient.

#1 Basic Commands

“Open Gmail.”
“Set a timer for 10 minutes.”
“What’s the weather like today?”
“Call Mom.”

#2 Navigation Commands

“Navigate to the nearest gas station.”
“What’s the traffic like on my way to work?”
“Find nearby restaurants.”
“Get directions to the nearest coffee shop.”

#3 Productivity Commands

“Create a new document.”
“Set a reminder for tomorrow.”
“Send an email to John.”
“Schedule a meeting for Friday at 2 PM.”

#4 Entertainment Commands

“Play ‘Happy’ by Pharrell Williams.”
“What movies are playing nearby?”
“Show me funny cat videos.”
“Tell me a joke.”

#5 Information Commands

“What is the capital of France?”
“Who is the president of the United States?”
“How many ounces are in a pound?”
“What is the population of China?”

#6 Device Control Commands

“Increase the volume.”
“Turn off the lights.”
“Take a screenshot.”
“Lock the screen.”

#7 Translation Commands

“How do you say ‘hello’ in Spanish?”
“Translate ‘thank you’ to French.”
“What does ‘bonjour’ mean in English?”
“Translate ‘goodbye’ to Chinese.”