Master ChatGPT Prompt for Project Management

ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence chatbot that can be incredibly useful for project managers. By providing the right prompts and questions, ChatGPT can help automate routine tasks, provide recommendations, and act as an assistant to streamline project management processes.

In this article, we’ll provide prompts and examples you can use with ChatGPT to enhance various aspects of project management.

Task Management

ChatGPT can help generate checklists, assign tasks, set reminders, and more. Here are some prompts you can try:

Create a checklist with 10 pre-launch tasks for my new mobile app project.

- Finalize app store listings
- Complete security audit 
- Load test servers
- Notify customers of launch date
- etc.

Generate a basic project plan with key milestones for a website redesign project that needs to be completed in 6 months.

Send me a daily reminder at 9 AM to review the risk register for the [Project Name] and notify me if any new risks are added.

Resource Management

Managing resources across multiple projects can be challenging. ChatGPT can provide recommendations on resource allocation based on project priority, budget, and other constraints.

Provide an optimized resource plan for my portfolio of 5 projects given the following budget, project priority, and team member skills information: [provide details]. Ensure highest priority projects are adequately staffed.


Creating status reports can be time consuming. ChatGPT can automatically generate reports based on key project data.

Generate a weekly status report for the [Project Name] project including budget status, milestone progress, and next steps for each workstream lead.

Risk Management

Identifying and mitigating project risks is critical. ChatGPT can analyze projects and provide risk management recommendations.

Review the project plan and requirements for my mobile app project and identify the top 5 risks. Then provide 2-3 mitigation strategies for each risk.

Stakeholder Communications

Keeping stakeholders aligned is key. ChatGPT can draft communications tailored to different audiences.

Draft a project update email for my manager summarizing progress over the last month and upcoming milestones for the customer portal project.

Create a presentation introducing the website redesign project and key milestones for our executive leadership team.

Useful Websites

A community of over 800,000 project management professionals with articles, templates, events, and more.

A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide)

The PMBOK Guide from PMI provides standards, best practices, and processes for project management.


With the right prompts, ChatGPT can act as an assistant for project managers to enhance planning, task management, reporting, and more. It’s important to provide enough context and details for ChatGPT to generate useful recommendations. Over time, collecting prompts that work for your projects can create a knowledge base to streamline routine tasks.

The key is finding the right balance between leveraging ChatGPT’s capabilities while still maintaining human oversight and decision making. Used effectively, it can help project managers focus on high-value strategic initiatives instead of administrative tasks.