Hilarious Cortana Commands to Try Now

If you’re looking for some amusement while using your windows device, then you might want to try using some hilarious custom voice commands with Cortana. Below are some examples of the commands that you can try for a good laugh. From movie references, witty comebacks, to silly questions, these voice commands are sure to entertain you.

#1 Movie References

“Hey Cortana, May the force be with you.”

“Hey Cortana, What’s the Matrix?”

“Hey Cortana, What’s your favorite scary movie?”

“Hey Cortana, Beam me up, Scotty.”

#2 Witty Comebacks

“Hey Cortana, Do you know Siri?”

“Hey Cortana, Can I ask you a personal question?”

“Hey Cortana, How do I look?”

“Hey Cortana, Are you human?”

#3 Silly Questions

“Hey Cortana, tell me a joke.”

“Hey Cortana, What do you think of Alexa?”

“Hey Cortana, Do you believe in aliens?”

“Hey Cortana, why did the chicken cross the road?”

#4 Random Commands

“Hey Cortana, Roll the dice.”

“Hey Cortana, Open the pod bay doors.”

“Hey Cortana, Sing me a song.”

“Hey Cortana, Tell me something interesting.”