Cortana’s Voice Command Examples: Master Microsoft 10 with Ease!

Cortana’s voice command capabilities make it easy to navigate and master Microsoft 10 effortlessly. Below, you will find a comprehensive list of voice command examples that you can use to enhance your experience with Cortana. From managing your calendar to searching the web, these commands cover a range of tasks to help you streamline your workflow and maximize your productivity. Explore the possibilities and unleash the power of Cortana with these voice commands!

#1 Calendar and Reminders

“Add a new event to my calendar for tomorrow at 2 PM.”
“Set a reminder to buy groceries on Saturday.”
“What’s on my agenda for today?”
“Remind me to call John at 9 AM tomorrow.”

#2 Web Browsing

“Search the web for the latest news about technology.”
“Open Wikipedia and search for information on Albert Einstein.”
“Go to my favorite website.”
“What is the weather forecast for tomorrow?”

#3 System Navigation

“Open File Explorer.”
“Show me all the apps installed on my PC.”
“Minimize all windows.”
“Take a screenshot and save it to my desktop.”

#4 Email Management

“Compose a new email to John.”
“Check my inbox for any unread messages.”
“Reply to the last email.”
“Delete all emails from the promotions folder.”

#5 Voice Control

“Play my favorite playlist on Spotify.”
“Stop the music.”
“Adjust the volume to 50%.”
“Do I have any missed calls?”

#6 Productivity Tools

“Open Microsoft Word.”
“Start a new Excel spreadsheet.”
“Create a presentation in PowerPoint.”
“Print the current document.”

#7 System Settings

“Change my display settings.”
“Turn on Night Mode.”
“Connect to a Bluetooth device.”
“Check for software updates.”

#8 Personal Assistance

“What is the time in London?”
“Tell me a joke.”
“Set an alarm for 7 AM.”
“Translate ‘hello’ to Spanish.”

#9 Media Control

“Play the next track.”
“Skip to the previous song.”
“Pause the video.”
“Shuffle my music library.”

#10 Task Management

“Create a new to-do list.”
“Add ‘finish report’ to my task list.”
“Mark task number 5 as completed.”
“Show me all my pending tasks.”

#11 Location Services

“Find the nearest coffee shop.”
“What’s the traffic like on my way to work?”
“Navigate to the airport.”
“What’s my current location?”

#12 Device Interaction

“Take a selfie using the front camera.”
“Turn on the flashlight.”
“Make a call to John.”
“Send a text message to Mom.”

#13 Personalization

“Change my desktop background.”
“Switch my theme to dark mode.”
“Resize the sidebar to make it wider.”
“Customize my lock screen.”

#14 Search Queries

“Search for photos from my vacation in Hawaii.”
“Find documents created last month.”
“Browse the internet for healthy recipes.”
“Search for nearby restaurants.”

#15 Mathematical calculations

“What is the square root of 144?”
“Convert 10 dollars to euros.”
“Calculate 35% of 200.”
“Add 5, 7, and 9.”

#16 Social Media Integration

“Post ‘Having a great time!’ on Facebook.”
“Tweet ‘Excited for the weekend!'”
“Check my Instagram feed.”
“Upload a photo to my Snapchat story.”

#17 Fitness and Health

“How many steps have I taken today?”
“Track my calories.”
“Start a workout session.”
“Set a reminder to drink water every hour.”

#18 Fun and Entertainment

“Tell me a funny joke.”
“Play rock, paper, scissors.”
“Roll a dice.”
“What’s the latest box office hit?”