Cortana Voice Commands: Simplify Your Computer Usage

If you’re looking for a way to make your computer usage simpler and more efficient, look no further than Cortana voice commands. With just a simple vocal command, you can quickly access files, search the web, manage your schedule, and more. Below are some examples of the many ways Cortana voice commands can simplify your computer usage.

#1 File Management

“Open [file name]”
“Launch [application name]”
“Create a new [file type]”
“Search for [file name]”

#2 Web Browsing

“Search for [term] on Google”
“Open [website name]”
“Scroll down”
“Zoom in on [webpage element]”

#3 Schedule Management

“Add [event] to my calendar”
“Remind me to [task] tomorrow at [time]”
“What is my schedule for [day/week]?”
“Cancel my meeting at [time]”

#4 System Settings

“Turn on/off [setting]”
“Increase/decrease [setting]”
“Set [setting] to [value]”
“Switch to [mode]”

#5 Entertainment

“Play [song/artist/album] on Spotify”
“Pause/Resume music”
“Skip to next song”
“Volume up/down”

#6 Communication

“Send an email to [contact] about [subject]”
“Call [contact]”
“Text [contact] [message]”
“Set a Skype meeting with [contact]”

#7 Personal Assistant

“What is the weather like today?”
“Define [word]”
“Tell me a joke”
“What is the time in [city]?”
“Convert [unit] to [unit]”