Master Hey Cortana: Windows 10 Voice Commands

Master Hey Cortana: Windows 10 Voice Commands is a powerful tool that enables users to interact with their devices hands-free. With this feature, you can save time and effort by simply speaking commands to your computer. Below are some examples of voice commands that you can use to get the most out of Hey Cortana.

#1 Basic Commands

“Hey Cortana, open Word”
“Hey Cortana, what time is it?”
“Hey Cortana, can you tell me a joke?”
“Hey Cortana, turn off my PC”

#2 Web Browsing

“Hey Cortana, open Google Chrome”
“Hey Cortana, search for Microsoft on Bing”
“Hey Cortana, what are the top news stories?”
“Hey Cortana, what’s the weather like in Los Angeles?”

#3 Productivity

“Hey Cortana, add milk to my shopping list”
“Hey Cortana, set an alarm for 7 am”
“Hey Cortana, remind me to call John at 3 pm”
“Hey Cortana, send an email to Mary”

#4 Entertainment

“Hey Cortana, play some music”
“Hey Cortana, tell me a story”
“Hey Cortana, what movies are playing nearby?”
“Hey Cortana, show me pictures of cute puppies”

#5 Control Panel

“Hey Cortana, change my screen brightness”
“Hey Cortana, turn off Wi-Fi”
“Hey Cortana, open device manager”
“Hey Cortana, switch to tablet mode”

#6 Microsoft Edge

“Hey Cortana, open a new tab”
“Hey Cortana, add a note”
“Hey Cortana, find on page”
“Hey Cortana, open reading view”

These are just a few examples of the many voice commands you can use with Master Hey Cortana: Windows 10 Voice Commands. With this feature, you can streamline your computer experience and increase your productivity. Give it a try and see how it can benefit you!