Amusing Bixby Voice Commands: A List of Funny Examples

Have you ever wanted to make Bixby, your virtual assistant, say something funny? Look no further! Below are some Amusing Bixby voice commands: A List of Funny Examples that you can use to make your day a little brighter. From silly jokes to playful pranks, let these commands bring a smile to your face.

#1 Animal Noises

“Can you bark like a dog?”
“Meow like a cat.”
“Make a monkey noise.”
“What does a cow say?”

#2 Dad Jokes

“Tell me a joke, Bixby.”
“Why did the scarecrow win an award? Because he was outstanding in his field.”
“What do you call someone with no body and no nose? Nobody knows.”

#3 Nonsense Commands

“Sing me a song, Bixby.”
“Do a dance for me.”
“Can you sneeze?”
“Tell me a secret.”

#4 Insults and Comebacks

“Insult me, Bixby.”
“Roast me.”
“Your face looks funny.”

#5 Fun Facts

“Tell me something interesting.”
“What’s the tallest mountain in the solar system?”
“What’s the world’s smallest mammal?”
“How long can a snail sleep for?”

#6 Celebrity Impressions

“Can you do a Morgan Freeman impression?”
“Impersonate Elvis Presley.”
“Can you sound like Yoda?”
“Say ‘I’ll be back’ in a Schwarzenegger voice.”

#7 Prank Calls

“Call my friend and pretend to be a pizza delivery.”
“Call work and tell them I quit.”
“Call my Mom and say I won the lottery.”
“Call my boss and ask for a raise.”

#8 Weird Requests

“Can you call me Captain Awesome?”
“What’s your favorite color?”
“Can you say ‘I love you’ in French?”
“Tell me a lie.”

#9 Pop Culture References

“What’s the name of the castle in Harry Potter?”
“What’s the actor’s name who played Gandalf in Lord of the Rings?”
“What’s the name of Will Smith’s character in Independence Day?”
“Who sang the song ‘Thriller’?”

#10 Puns

“I’m reading a book on anti-gravity. It’s impossible to put down.”
“You can’t run through a campsite. You can only ran, because it’s past tents.”
“I used to be a baker, but I couldn’t make enough dough.”
“Why don’t scientists trust atoms? Because they make up everything.”