28 Alexa Commands for Samsung Smart Home


28 Alexa Commands for Samsung Smart Home

“Alexa, tell Samsung to turn on my robot vacuum”

“Alexa, tell Samsung to turn off my robot vacuum”

“Alexa, tell Samsung to set robot to max mode”

“Alexa, tell Samsung to return powerbot home”

“Alexa, tell Samsung to start my robot vacuum”

“Alexa, tell Samsung to pause my robot vacuum”

“Alexa, tell Samsung to return my robot vacuum”

“Alexa, tell Samsung to mode change my robot vacuum”

Washer & Dryer

28 Alexa Commands for Samsung Smart Home

“Alexa, tell Samsung to start my washer”

“Alexa, tell Samsung to pause the washing machine”

“Alexa, ask Samsung what mode is running on the dryer”

“Alexa, ask Samsung what is the remaining time on my dryer”

“Alexa, ask Samsung is smart control on on my dryer?”


“Alexa, tell Samsung to do the dishes”

“Alexa, tell Samsung to cancel dishwasher”

“Alexa, ask Samsung what is the status of dishwasher”

“Alexa, ask Samsung what is the remaining time on dishwasher”

“Alexa, ask Samsung is smart control on on my dishwasher?”


28 Alexa Commands for Samsung Smart Home

“Alexa, tell Samsung to start power cool”

“Alexa, tell Samsung to turn on power freeze”

“Alexa, tell Samsung to turn off power freeze”

“Alexa, ask Samsung what is the temperature of my refrigerator”

Air Conditioner

“Alexa, tell Samsung to turn on the AC”

“Alexa, tell Samsung to turn off the AC”

“Alexa, tell Samsung to set my AC to cool”

“Alexa, tell Samsung to set the air conditioner to turbo”

“Alexa, ask Samsung what is the fan speed of my air conditioner”

“Alexa, tell Samsung to decrease the air conditioning by {temperature}”. Example: “Alexa, tell Samsung to decrease the air conditioning by 2 degrees