10 Examples of Voice Commands for Google Assistant

Are you curious about what you can do with Google Assistant? Below are some voice command examples that you can try out. Whether you want to check the weather, play a song, or set a reminder, Google Assistant has got you covered. Give these commands a go and see how Google Assistant can make your life easier.

#1 Weather

“Hey Google, what’s the weather like today?”
“Hey Google, will it rain tomorrow?”
“Hey Google, what’s the temperature in New York City?”

#2 Entertainment

“Hey Google, play some classical music.”
“Hey Google, tell me a joke.”
“Hey Google, play the latest episode of The Daily podcast.”

#3 Alarms and Reminders

“Hey Google, set an alarm for 7am tomorrow.”
“Hey Google, remind me to call mom at 3pm.”
“Hey Google, wake me up in 30 minutes.”

#4 Directions

“Hey Google, what’s the fastest way to get to the nearest gas station?”
“Hey Google, navigate to the nearest coffee shop.”
“Hey Google, how long will it take to get to work?”

#5 Information

“Hey Google, who is the president of France?”
“Hey Google, what are the top headlines today?”
“Hey Google, how do you say ‘hello’ in Spanish?”

#6 Communication

“Hey Google, call John Smith.”
“Hey Google, send a text to mom.”
“Hey Google, video call with Sarah.”

#7 Shopping

“Hey Google, add milk to my shopping list.”
“Hey Google, order some toiletries from Amazon.”
“Hey Google, where can I buy a new laptop?”

#8 Health and Wellness

“Hey Google, how many calories are in a banana?”
“Hey Google, what are some meditation tips?”
“Hey Google, how many steps have I walked today?”

#9 Smart Home Control

“Hey Google, turn off the living room lights.”
“Hey Google, set the thermostat to 72 degrees.”
“Hey Google, lock the front door.”

#10 Fun and Games

“Hey Google, let’s play a game.”
“Hey Google, tell me a riddle.”
“Hey Google, sing me a song.”