10 Examples of Alexa Voice Commands for Changing Light Colors

Below are some examples of voice commands you can use to change the light colors using Alexa. Whether you want to set the mood for a party or create a relaxing atmosphere, Alexa can help you easily control the colors of your smart lights with just your voice.

#1 Basic Color Change

“Alexa, change the light to red.”
“Alexa, make the light blue.”
“Alexa, set the light to green.”

#2 Specific Color Shades

“Alexa, make the light a light shade of pink.”
“Alexa, change the light to a bright yellow.”
“Alexa, set the light to a dark shade of purple.”

#3 Group Color Commands

“Alexa, set all the lights to white.”
“Alexa, change the lights in the living room to orange and in the bedroom to blue.”
“Alexa, make the lights in the kitchen and dining room a warm white.”

#4 Color Transition Effects

“Alexa, set the lights to cycle through all colors.”
“Alexa, make the lights fade from green to blue.”
“Alexa, change the lights to pulsate between red and purple.”

#5 Specific Light Commands

“Alexa, change the light in the bedroom to pink.”
“Alexa, make the light on the desk a bright white.”
“Alexa, set the light in the hallway to a soft yellow.”

#6 Brightness and Color Combination

“Alexa, make the light in the living room a bright blue.”
“Alexa, change the light in the kitchen to a dim green.”
“Alexa, set the light in the bedroom to a warm and dim yellow.”

#7 Color Temperature Adjustment

“Alexa, change the light to a cool white.”
“Alexa, make the light a daylight color.”
“Alexa, set the light to a warm white tone.”

#8 Color Scenes

“Alexa, set the romantic evening scene on the lights.”
“Alexa, change the lights to the movie night scene.”
“Alexa, make the lights match the party scene.”

#9 Color Commands for Smart Bulbs with Alexa Integration

“Alexa, change the Philips Hue light to green.”
“Alexa, make the LIFX light a soft pink.”
“Alexa, set the Sengled light to blue.”

#10 Color Commands for Smart Light Strips with Alexa Integration

“Alexa, change the Philips Hue light strip to purple.”
“Alexa, make the LIFX light strip a bright blue.”
“Alexa, set the Sengled light strip to green.”