Quick and Easy MyQ Voice Commands with Google Assistant

Quick and Easy MyQ Voice Commands with Google Assistant make controlling your MyQ-enabled devices a breeze. With just a few simple voice commands, you can easily manage your garage door opener, lights, and other compatible devices using the power of your voice. Below are some examples of voice commands that you can use with the Quick and Easy MyQ Voice Commands with Google Assistant.

#1 Garage Door Control

“Ok Google, close the garage door.”
“Hey Google, open the garage door halfway.”
“Ok Google, check if the garage door is closed.”
“Hey Google, pause the garage door.”
“Ok Google, close the garage door at 9:00 PM.”

#2 MyQ Light Control

“Hey Google, turn on the lights in the garage.”
“Ok Google, dim the lights to 50%.”
“Hey Google, turn off all the lights.”
“Ok Google, set the garage lights to blue.”
“Hey Google, change the brightness of the lights to 75%.”

#3 Garage Door Status

“Ok Google, is the garage door open?”
“Hey Google, is the garage door locked?”
“Ok Google, check if the garage door is secure.”
“Hey Google, is the garage door closed?”
“Ok Google, what is the status of the garage door?”

#4 MyQ Security

“Hey Google, activate vacation mode.”
“Ok Google, deactivate security mode.”
“Hey Google, arm the security system.”
“Ok Google, disarm the alarm system.”
“Hey Google, is the garage secure?”

#5 Remote Access

“Ok Google, open the garage from work.”
“Hey Google, close the garage door from the car.”
“Ok Google, turn on the lights at home.”
“Hey Google, check the garage door status while on vacation.”
“Ok Google, open the garage door when I arrive home.”

#6 Partner Integrations

“Hey Google, ask MyQ to close the garage.”
“Ok Google, tell MyQ to turn on the lights.”
“Hey Google, ask MyQ if the garage door is open.”
“Ok Google, tell MyQ to activate vacation mode.”
“Hey Google, ask MyQ for the current garage door status.”

#7 Account Management

“Ok Google, change my MyQ password.”
“Hey Google, update my MyQ preferences.”
“Ok Google, add a new user to MyQ.”
“Hey Google, unlink MyQ from Google Assistant.”
“Ok Google, reset my MyQ account.”

Remember, these are just a few examples of the voice commands you can use with Quick and Easy MyQ Voice Commands and Google Assistant. Get started today and experience the convenience and simplicity of controlling your MyQ-enabled devices with just your voice!