Voice Control: Make Google Home Your Home Assistant

If you’re looking to make your home smarter, look no further than Google Home. With this voice-activated device, you can control everything from your lights to your thermostat without ever lifting a finger. Below are some voice command examples to get you started on using Voice Control: Make Google Home Your Home Assistant.

#1 Lights

“Hey Google, turn on the living room lights.”
“Hey Google, dim the dining room lights.”
“Hey Google, turn off all the lights.”

#2 Music

“Hey Google, play some jazz music.”
“Hey Google, play my workout playlist on Spotify.”
“Hey Google, turn up the volume.”

#3 TV & Entertainment

“Hey Google, play Stranger Things on Netflix.”
“Hey Google, pause.”
“Hey Google, skip to the next episode.”

#4 Thermostat

“Hey Google, set the temperature to 72 degrees.”
“Hey Google, turn off the air conditioner.”
“Hey Google, what’s the current temperature?”

#5 Cooking & Kitchen

“Hey Google, set a timer for 20 minutes.”
“Hey Google, how many cups in a quart?”
“Hey Google, what’s the recipe for chicken parmigiana?”

#6 Miscellaneous

“Hey Google, what’s the weather like today?”
“Hey Google, call mom.”
“Hey Google, what’s the latest news?”