Google Assistant: Cost, Listening & Essential Voice Command Examples

Google Assistant is a versatile virtual assistant developed by Google, designed to provide users with helpful information and perform various tasks using voice commands. It has become an integral part of many devices, including smartphones, smart speakers, and smart displays. In this article, we will explore the features and functionality of Google Assistant, as well as discuss its cost and listening abilities. Below, you will find a collection of voice command examples that showcase the capabilities of Google Assistant when it comes to cost management, active listening, and essential tasks. Whether you want to inquire about prices, control your smart home devices, or get the latest news, Google Assistant is here to assist you.

#1 – Cost Management Commands:

“Hey Google, what is the price of Bitcoin?”
“Ok Google, convert 10 dollars to euros.”
“Hey Google, what is the current stock price of Apple?”
“Ok Google, how much do flights from New York to London cost?”
“Hey Google, what is the price of a Samsung Galaxy S21?”

#2 – Active Listening Commands:

“Ok Google, what’s the weather like today?”
“Hey Google, tell me a joke.”
“Ok Google, what’s the latest news?”
“Hey Google, play some relaxing music.”
“Ok Google, tell me a bedtime story.”

#3 – Essential Task Commands:

“Hey Google, set a timer for 15 minutes.”
“Ok Google, remind me to call John at 4 p.m.”
“Hey Google, find my phone.”
“Ok Google, send a text message to mom.”
“Hey Google, set an alarm for 7 a.m. tomorrow.”

#4 – Navigation Commands:

“Ok Google, navigate to the nearest gas station.”
“Hey Google, how long will it take to drive to work?”
“Ok Google, find restaurants near me.”
“Hey Google, what’s the fastest route to the airport?”
“Ok Google, how far is the Eiffel Tower from here?”

#5 – Smart Home Commands:

“Hey Google, turn off the living room lights.”
“Ok Google, change the temperature to 72 degrees.”
“Hey Google, lock the front door.”
“Ok Google, play Stranger Things on Netflix.”
“Hey Google, show me the baby room camera.”

#6 – Entertainment Commands:

“Ok Google, play some upbeat music.”
“Hey Google, tell me a fun fact.”
“Ok Google, what’s the latest movie in theaters?”
“Hey Google, play a game.”
“Ok Google, open YouTube and search for cat videos.”

#7 – Information Commands:

“Hey Google, who is the president of the United States?”
“Ok Google, how tall is the Eiffel Tower?”
“Hey Google, what’s the capital of Australia?”
“Ok Google, when was Albert Einstein born?”
“Hey Google, translate ‘hello’ to French.”

#8 – Productivity Commands:

“Ok Google, create a shopping list.”
“Hey Google, schedule a meeting for tomorrow at 3 p.m.”
“Ok Google, remind me to buy milk when I’m near a grocery store.”
“Hey Google, add ‘buy anniversary gift’ to my to-do list.”
“Ok Google, set a reminder to take a break every hour.”

#9 – Health and Fitness Commands:

“Hey Google, how many calories are in an apple?”
“Ok Google, what’s the recipe for a healthy smoothie?”
“Hey Google, what are some exercises I can do at home?”
“Ok Google, track my steps.”
“Hey Google, play a guided meditation.”

#10 – Fun and Games Commands:

“Ok Google, roll a dice.”
“Hey Google, flip a coin.”
“Ok Google, tell me a riddle.”
“Hey Google, play Jeopardy.”
“Ok Google, sing me a song.”