Voice Command Examples: Alexa for International Radio

Below are some voice command examples that you can use with Alexa for International Radio. Whether you want to listen to your favorite music, catch up on news from around the world, or explore new genres, Alexa has got you covered. Just say the command and let Alexa do the rest.

#1 Music Playback

“Play some international hits”
“Play [artist/band name] on International Radio”
“Play the top songs in [country name] on International Radio”
“Play the latest pop songs in [country name]”
“Play hits from the 80s on International Radio”
“Play the best rock songs on International Radio”
“Play classical music on International Radio”
“Play jazz music on International Radio”
“Play traditional folk songs from around the world”
“Play some reggae music on International Radio”

#2 News and Information

“Listen to the latest news from [country name]”
“Play news updates from [news source]”
“Tell me the current weather in [city name]”
“What’s the time in [country/timezone]?”
“Who won the recent sports match between [teams]?”
“Tell me a fun fact about [country name]”
“Tell me the latest stock market updates”
“Give me some travel tips for [destination]”
“Translate ‘[phrase]’ to [language]”

#3 Genre-based Radio

“Play the best electronic music on International Radio”
“Play some hip-hop songs on International Radio”
“Listen to the latest R&B tracks on International Radio”
“Play reggaeton music on International Radio”
“Find me some country music on International Radio”
“Play hits from the 90s on International Radio”
“Find me some Bollywood music on International Radio”
“Play traditional music from [country name]”
“Play some Latin music on International Radio”
“Listen to the top K-pop songs on International Radio”

#4 Radio Station Control

“Play the previous song”
“Play the next song”
“Pause the music”
“Resume the music”
“Stop the music”
“Skip to [time] in the song”
“Set the volume to [level]”
“Mute the volume”
“Turn up the volume”
“Turn down the volume”

#5 Personalized Requests

“Play my personalized international playlist”
“Recommend some new international artists”
“Add this song to my favorites”
“Create a new playlist called “
“Shuffle my international music library”
“Play songs similar to [artist/band name]”
“Play some relaxing music”
“Suggest some international radio stations”

#6 Quick Facts and Trivia

“Tell me something interesting about [country name]”
“What’s the world record for [category]?”
“Who is the president of [country name]?”
“Who won the Nobel Prize in [year/field]?”
“What is the capital of [country name]?”
“What is the population of [city/country]?”
“What is the tallest mountain in [country name]?”
“Who is the famous actor/actress from [country name]?”
“What are the traditional dishes of [country name]?”

#7 Interactive Features

“Launch a quiz game”
“Tell me a joke”
“Sing me a song”
“Play a podcast about [topic]”
“Teach me a foreign phrase”
“Play a game of ‘Would You Rather'”
“Engage the radio hosts for a lively discussion”
“Surprise me with a new international radio station”
“Recommend some international music festivals”

Please note that the above voice commands may vary depending on the availability and compatibility of features in your country or region. Enjoy exploring Alexa for International Radio and have a great listening experience!