Ultimate Anova Alexa Voice Command Examples

Below are some voice command examples you can use with Ultimate Anova Alexa. Whether you’re cooking, setting a timer, or adjusting the temperature, these commands will make it easier to control your Anova Precision Cooker with just your voice.

Cooking Commands

“Alexa, ask Anova to start cooking at 130 degrees.”
“Alexa, tell Anova to cook a steak for 1 hour at 135 degrees.”
“Alexa, ask Anova to set a timer for 45 minutes.”
“Alexa, tell Anova to cook chicken at 150 degrees for 2 hours.”

Temperature Control Commands

“Alexa, ask Anova to increase the temperature to 140 degrees.”
“Alexa, tell Anova to decrease the temperature by 5 degrees.”
“Alexa, ask Anova to set the temperature to 125 degrees for 45 minutes.”
“Alexa, tell Anova to stop cooking.”

Timer Commands

“Alexa, ask Anova to start a 1-hour timer.”
“Alexa, tell Anova to set a timer for 30 minutes.”
“Alexa, ask Anova how much time is left on the timer.”
“Alexa, tell Anova to stop the timer.”

Sous Vide Commands

“Alexa, ask Anova for a sous vide recipe for salmon.”
“Alexa, tell Anova to find a sous vide cooking time for pork chops.”
“Alexa, ask Anova for the best sous vide temperature for vegetables.”
“Alexa, tell Anova to pause the sous vide cooking process.”

Device Control Commands

“Alexa, ask Anova to turn on the cooker.”
“Alexa, tell Anova to turn off the Precision Cooker.”
“Alexa, ask Anova for the current status of the device.”
“Alexa, tell Anova to stop and turn off the cooker.”