Ultimate Alexa Voice Command Examples for Everyday Tasks

Below are some voice command examples that you can use for everyday tasks with Ultimate Alexa. From managing your schedule and entertainment to controlling your smart home devices, Alexa can make your life easier and more convenient. Just say the phrase within quotation marks, and Alexa will do the rest for you.

#1 Schedule and Reminders

“Alexa, add an event to my calendar for tomorrow at 3 pm.”
“Remind me to call my mom at 7 pm.”
“What’s on my schedule for today?”
“Set a timer for 10 minutes.”
“Cancel my 11 am meeting.”

#2 Weather

“What’s the weather like today?”
“Will it rain tomorrow?”
“Give me the forecast for this weekend.”
“Should I bring an umbrella today?”
“What’s the current temperature?”

#3 Entertainment

“Play my favorite playlist.”
“Shuffle my music library.”
“Skip to the next track.”
“Play some relaxing sounds.”
“What’s playing right now?”

#4 Smart Home

“Turn off the living room lights.”
“Dim the bedroom lights to 50%.”
“Set the thermostat to 72 degrees.”
“Lock the front door.”
“Turn on the coffee maker.”

#5 Communication

“Make a phone call to John.”
“Send a message to mom saying I’ll be there soon.”
“Read my latest text message.”
“Check my missed calls.”
“Reply to the last email.”

#6 Alarms and Timers

“Set an alarm for 7 am.”
“How much time is left on the timer?”
“Cancel all my alarms.”
“Set a repeating alarm for weekdays.”
“Pause the countdown.”

#7 News and Information

“Tell me the latest news.”
“What’s the capital of France?”
“Who won the Oscars this year?”
“Define ‘serendipity’.”
“What time does the nearest grocery store close?”

#8 Shopping

“Add milk to my shopping list.”
“Order toothpaste from Amazon.”
“Track my recent order.”
“What are the deals of the day?”
“Cancel my subscription.”

#9 Cooking and Recipes

“Find me a recipe for spaghetti carbonara.”
“Convert one cup to milliliters.”
“Set a pasta cooking timer for 10 minutes.”
“What’s a substitute for eggs in baking?”
“What’s the recipe for chocolate chip cookies?”

#10 Traffic and Navigation

“What’s the best route to work?”
“How long is the commute to downtown?”
“Are there any traffic jams on my way?”
“Find nearby gas stations.”
“Navigate to the nearest pharmacy.”

#11 Sports

“Who won the last game between the Lakers and Warriors?”
“When is the next football match?”
“What’s the score of the current game?”
“Who is the top scorer in the Premier League?”
“What’s the schedule for the NBA playoffs?”

#12 Fun and Games

“Tell me a joke.”
“Play a game of rock paper scissors.”
“Sing me a lullaby.”
“What’s your favorite movie?”
“Roll a virtual dice.”

#13 Conversion and Calculation

“Convert 5 miles to kilometers.”
“What’s 25% of 80?”
“Calculate the square root of 144.”
“What’s 20 divided by 4?”
“Convert $100 to euros.”

#14 General Knowledge

“Who is the president of the United States?”
“What’s the tallest mountain in the world?”
“Tell me a fun fact.”
“Who painted the Mona Lisa?”
“What’s the population of Tokyo?”

#15 Health and Fitness

“Track my steps.”
“What’s the nutritional value of bananas?”
“Start a 20-minute workout.”
“Set a reminder to drink water every hour.”
“What’s my heart rate right now?”

Using these voice commands, you can unlock the full potential of Ultimate Alexa and simplify various everyday tasks. Alexa will be your personal assistant, helping you stay organized, entertained, informed, and efficient throughout the day. Explore the wide range of capabilities and discover even more ways to make your life even easier with voice commands tailored to your needs.