Mastering Voice Commands: Google Home & Assistant Examples

Welcome to the world of Mastering Voice Commands with Google Home and Assistant! Whether you have just purchased a Google Home device or have been using Assistant on your phone, this guide will help you make the most out of this powerful voice-activated tool. Below, you will find a wide range of voice command examples that cover various categories, allowing you to seamlessly interact with your Google devices and enhance your daily activities. From getting the latest news updates to controlling your smart home devices, these commands will provide you with a glimpse into the endless possibilities of Google Home and Assistant. So, sit back, relax, and let your voice be heard as we explore the world of voice commands together!

#1 General Queries

“Hey Google, what’s the weather like today?”
“OK Google, tell me a joke.”
“Hey Google, how tall is the Eiffel Tower?”
“OK Google, what’s the traffic like on my way to work?”
“Hey Google, translate ‘hello’ to French.”

#2 Entertainment

“OK Google, play some music by The Beatles.”
“Hey Google, what movies are playing nearby?”
“OK Google, tell me a fun fact.”
“Hey Google, play the latest episode of The Daily podcast.”
“OK Google, show me pictures of puppies.”

#3 Smart Home Control

“Hey Google, turn off the bedroom lights.”
“OK Google, set the thermostat to 72 degrees.”
“Hey Google, lock the front door.”
“OK Google, play jazz music on the living room speakers.”
“Hey Google, start the coffee maker.”

#4 Productivity and Organization

“OK Google, add milk to my shopping list.”
“Hey Google, remind me to call Mom at 6 pm.”
“OK Google, set a timer for 30 minutes.”
“Hey Google, schedule a meeting with John next Wednesday.”
“OK Google, what’s on my calendar for today?”

#5 Travel and Navigation

“Hey Google, find me the nearest gas station.”
“OK Google, how long does it take to drive from New York to Los Angeles?”
“Hey Google, what’s the exchange rate between the euro and the dollar?”
“OK Google, what time is my flight to London?”
“Hey Google, find a nearby Italian restaurant.”

#6 Communication and Messaging

“OK Google, call Dave.”
“Hey Google, send a text message to Sarah saying I’ll be there soon.”
“OK Google, read my last email.”
“Hey Google, tell me my new voicemail messages.”
“OK Google, play my favorite podcast.”

#7 Health and Wellness

“Hey Google, what’s a good recipe for a healthy smoothie?”
“OK Google, how many calories are in a banana?”
“Hey Google, find me a yoga tutorial video.”
“OK Google, remind me to take my medication at 9 pm.”
“Hey Google, tell me a meditation quote.”

#8 Fun and Games

“OK Google, play a game.”
“Hey Google, tell me a riddle.”
“OK Google, roll a dice.”
“Hey Google, play Jeopardy!”
“OK Google, what’s the capital of Australia?”