Top Roomba Voice Commands: Mastering Google Assistant for Effortless Cleaning

Welcome to Top Roomba Voice Commands: Mastering Google Assistant for Effortless Cleaning! In this article, we will guide you through a range of voice command examples that can help you navigate and control your Roomba effortlessly using Google Assistant. Whether you want to start a cleaning session, schedule cleaning routines, check the battery status, or even find your Roomba, we have got you covered. Below, you will find an extensive list of voice commands that will make your cleaning experience a breeze. Simply activate your Google Assistant and say the command!

#1 Starting and Stopping Roomba

To start your Roomba, say “Hey Google, tell Roomba to start cleaning.”
To stop your Roomba, say “Hey Google, tell Roomba to stop cleaning.”

#2 Scheduling Cleaning Routines

To schedule a daily cleaning routine, say “Hey Google, tell Roomba to clean every day at [time].”
To schedule a specific day for cleaning, say “Hey Google, tell Roomba to clean on [day] at [time].”
To check the current schedule, say “Hey Google, ask Roomba when is the next cleaning scheduled.”

#3 Charging and Battery Status

To check the battery status, say “Hey Google, ask Roomba about its battery level.”
To make Roomba return to the charging dock, say “Hey Google, ask Roomba to go home and charge.”

#4 Cleaning Specific Areas

To clean a specific room, say “Hey Google, tell Roomba to clean the [room name].”
To clean multiple rooms, say “Hey Google, tell Roomba to clean the [room name] and [room name].”
To clean around a specific object, say “Hey Google, tell Roomba to clean around the [object name].”

#5 Spot Cleaning

To perform spot cleaning, say “Hey Google, tell Roomba to clean this spot.”

#6 Pausing and Resuming Cleaning

To pause the cleaning process, say “Hey Google, tell Roomba to pause cleaning.”
To resume cleaning after pausing, say “Hey Google, tell Roomba to resume cleaning.”

#7 Finding Roomba

To locate your Roomba, say “Hey Google, ask Roomba where it is.”

#8 Adjusting Roomba’s Cleaning Power

To set Roomba to high cleaning power, say “Hey Google, tell Roomba to clean with high power.”
To set Roomba to standard cleaning power, say “Hey Google, tell Roomba to clean normally.”

#9 Cleaning Schedule Modifications

To cancel the next scheduled cleaning, say “Hey Google, tell Roomba to cancel the next cleaning.”
To modify the cleaning schedule, say “Hey Google, tell Roomba to change the cleaning schedule to [day] at [time].”

#10 Roomba’s Return to the Charging Dock

To make Roomba return immediately, say “Hey Google, tell Roomba to go home now.”

#11 Cleaning Statistics and History

To check cleaning statistics, say “Hey Google, ask Roomba about cleaning statistics.”
To review cleaning history, say “Hey Google, ask Roomba about cleaning history.”

#12 Adjusting Roomba’s Volume

To increase the voice volume of Roomba, say “Hey Google, tell Roomba to increase the volume.”
To decrease the voice volume of Roomba, say “Hey Google, tell Roomba to decrease the volume.”

#13 Cleaning Preferences

To customize cleaning preferences, say “Hey Google, ask Roomba to change cleaning preferences.”
To restore default cleaning preferences, say “Hey Google, tell Roomba to reset cleaning preferences.”

#14 Roomba Maintenance Reminders

To check maintenance reminders, say “Hey Google, ask Roomba about maintenance reminders.”
To acknowledge a maintenance reminder, say “Hey Google, tell Roomba I acknowledge the maintenance reminder.”

#15 Cleaning History Deletion

To delete the cleaning history, say “Hey Google, tell Roomba to delete cleaning history.”