Thought-Provoking ChatGPT Prompt for Interview Questions

Preparing for a job interview can be stressful. You need to research the company, practice answering common questions, and try to anticipate what you’ll be asked. This takes a lot of time and effort. However, AI tools like ChatGPT can help streamline your interview preparation process.

ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence system created by Anthropic to be helpful, harmless, and honest. You can have conversations with it by typing prompts, and it will generate human-like responses.

Here are some thought-provoking prompts you can use with ChatGPT to help prepare for job interviews:

Common Interview Questions

Get a list of likely interview questions tailored to the specific job you’re applying for:

Please provide 5 common interview questions for a [job title] role at [company name]. Then provide a sample excellent answer for each question.

For example, for a software engineering role:

Please provide 5 common interview questions for a software engineer role at Microsoft. Then provide a sample excellent answer for each question. 

You can then practice answering the questions ChatGPT provides to improve your responses.

Company Research Prompts

Use ChatGPT to quickly get an overview of key information about the company:

Please provide a 300-word overview of [company name] including information on the company's history, mission, products/services, culture, and recent news. Format it as if writing for a job candidate researching the company.

For example, for Microsoft:

Please provide a 300-word overview of Microsoft including information on the company's history, mission, products/services, culture, and recent news. Format it as if writing for a job candidate researching the company.

This provides you with helpful background information to reference in your interview.

Mock Interviews

Practice mock video interviews with ChatGPT by providing it a list of questions and having it assess your answers:

Act as a hiring manager conducting a mock video interview with me, a candidate for a [job title] role at [company name]. Ask me 5 common interview questions for this type of role and provide detailed feedback on my responses including what I did well and areas for improvement.

Interviewer: [Ask first question]

Me: [Provide answer]

Interviewer: [Provide detailed feedback on answer and ask follow-up questions]

Me: [Provide further answers]

This allows you to practice your interviewing skills and get feedback to refine your responses.

Useful AI Tools

In addition to ChatGPT, here are some other AI tools that can help with interview preparation:

Interview Question Generator

Tools like Interview Answer Generator can automatically generate common interview questions tailored to your job title and description:

interview question generator example

You can then practice answering the generated questions.

Resume Review

Use AI resume tools like TopResume to analyze your resume and get suggestions to improve it before applying for jobs.

Mock Interviews

Practice mock video interviews with AI platforms like Interview Buddy that provide detailed feedback on your answers.


Preparing for job interviews takes time. Leveraging AI tools like ChatGPT prompts and other intelligent platforms allows you to streamline the process so you can focus your efforts on practicing and refining your responses.

The key is crafting thoughtful prompts to get helpful information from ChatGPT, simulating interviews to practice your skills, and using AI to provide feedback.

With the right approach, these tools can help reduce interview anxiety and set you up for success in your next interview.

Let me know if you have any other questions!