Superior ChatGPT Prompt for Landing Page

Landing pages are a crucial part of any marketing strategy. They are designed to capture leads and drive conversions. However, creating an effective landing page can be challenging. This is where ChatGPT comes in.

ChatGPT is an AI assistant that can help generate ideas and content for landing pages. With the right prompts, it can create high-quality copy, headlines, and more tailored to your business.

In this article, we will explore some superior ChatGPT prompts for optimizing landing pages.

What Makes a Good Landing Page?

Before we get into the prompts, let’s review what makes an effective landing page:

  • Clear headline and subheadline
  • Relevant and enticing hero image
  • Succinct and benefit-focused copy
  • Clear call-to-action button
  • Minimal distractions – no nav menu or ads

Keeping these elements in mind will help craft prompts that generate optimized landing page content.

ChatGPT Prompts for Headlines and Subheadlines

The headline and subheadline are the first things visitors see on a landing page. These elements should capture attention and communicate the core value proposition.

Here are some prompts for generating landing page headlines and subheadlines:

Write 3 creative headlines and subheadlines for a landing page promoting [product/service]. Tailor the messaging to appeal to [target customer demographic]. Focus the headlines on communicating [key benefit or outcome].

For example:

Write 3 creative headlines and subheadlines for a landing page promoting a social media scheduling tool. Tailor the messaging to appeal to small business owners. Focus the headlines on communicating how the tool saves time.

This provides the key details ChatGPT needs to craft strong, tailored headlines. You can generate multiple variations and pick the best option.

ChatGPT Prompts for Benefit-Focused Copy

The body copy on a landing page should focus on communicating the main benefits of the offering. It should use simple, easy-to-understand language.

Here is a useful prompt structure:

Write clear and concise landing page copy emphasizing the benefits of [product/service] for [customer demographic]. Focus on how it solves [customer pain point] and helps them [achieve goal/desired outcome]. Use simple language and address the reader directly as 'you'.

For example:

Write clear and concise landing page copy emphasizing the benefits of accounting software for small business owners. Focus on how it solves the pain point of manual bookkeeping and helps them save time on paperwork. Use simple language and address the reader directly as 'you'.

This provides the key details for crafting benefit-led copy.


You can make the copy even more effective by personalizing it to the visitor’s industry or role.

Here’s an example prompt with personalization:

Write clear and concise landing page copy emphasizing the benefits of project management software for marketing managers. Focus on how it helps them collaborate with their team and hit campaign deadlines. Use simple language and address the reader directly as 'you'.

This level of personalization helps create more relevant and compelling copy.

ChatGPT Prompts for CTAs

The call-to-action (CTA) is one of the most important elements of a landing page. An effective CTA button or link clearly communicates what action you want visitors to take.

Here is a useful structure for generating CTAs:

Write [number] call-to-action phrases for a landing page promoting [product/service] to [customer demographic]. Make the CTAs clear and action-oriented, focused on getting the visitor to [convert/become a lead/subscribe/download/etc].

For example:

Write 3 call-to-action phrases for a landing page promoting a project collaboration tool to remote teams. Make the CTAs clear and action-oriented, focused on getting the visitor to start a free trial.

This provides the key details for ChatGPT to craft strong, conversion-focused CTAs.

Lead Magnets

You can make your CTAs even more enticing by offering free lead magnets like ebooks, templates, or guides.

Here is a prompt for generating ideas:

Suggest 5 potential lead magnets I could offer on a landing page for [product/service] to appeal to [customer demographic]. The magnets should provide useful info related to [customer need/pain point].

Personalizing the lead magnet makes it more relevant and helps capture more leads.

Optimizing Images

Images play a key role on landing pages. You want images that align with the copy and help communicate the key benefits visually.

Here’s a prompt for getting image ideas tailored to the offering:

Suggest 5 images I could use on a landing page for [product/service] that would appeal to [customer demographic]. The images should visually communicate [key benefit or outcome]. 

This provides beneficial parameters for selecting or creating optimized images that reinforce the copy.

Website Suggestions

These tools can help build, optimize, and test landing pages to maximize conversions. Integrating ChatGPT allows AI-powered copy generation to take results to the next level.

By providing the right prompts, ChatGPT can generate superior copy, headlines, CTAs, and other elements tailored to your offering and audience. Use these structures when crafting your prompts to create high-converting landing pages.